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WARNING: Major Persona 5 spoilers. If you don't want to spoil yourself, please skip to the next chapter.

Bayonetta was wrong about motherhood being fun. Raising the baby was a day and night struggle. She did not want to do this. Bayonetta did not like spending time with her son. And she wasn't ashamed of herself saying it out loud.

Every day, Akira was called a mistake and a burden by Bayonetta. That caused him to close down and stay quiet. Akira did his best to impress his mother. At school, Akira had difficulties as well. Kids mocked him and didn't want to play with him. During recess and lunch, Akira sat and played by himself. Teachers, however, adored him. Akira was a good student and was always at the top of his class. But even that didn't impress Bayonetta and she continued to put him down every day.

Bayonetta and Akira lived the lives they lived until Akira turned sixteen. One late evening, he was returning home. As he walked toward his house, he heard a man and a woman arguing. Akira tried to ignore it and mind his own business until he heard the woman crying for help. He decided to step in and walked toward them. "Get in the car!" yelled the drunk man. "Please stop!" the woman yelled back. Akira walked over and got the man off. He fell to the ground as Akira shielded the woman with his body. Police sirens were heard in the distance. "Damn brat, I'll sue!!" shouted the drunk man. Akira said nothing.

A few minutes later, the cops arrived. The drunk man turned Akira in to the cops, saying that he assaulted him. The woman said nothing. Akira told the police his point of view. "We'll discuss this in court, get in the car," the officers took the teenager away. Little did Akira know, that man was a politician. Masayoshi Shido himself. He had a large amount of power and was able to get himself a good lawyer.

When Bayonetta found out what happened, she was pissed. She refused to speak to Akira and didn't give him any dinner. Sometimes, she wouldn't even let him inside the house.
And then the day of the court trial came.
Of course, Shido won the court, and Akira was expelled from school and was forced to be sent to live in Tokyo. Shujin Academy was the only school that would take him in. Bayonetta happily agreed to send her unwanted teenage son away. After all those years, she found Jeanne on Facebook and asked if she knew anyone that would be willing to take Akira in. Jeanne was well acquainted with an elderly man, an owner of Cafe Leblanc in Tokyo and gave her his contact info. Bayonetta hit him up and offered him a huge amount of money to keep Akira in his household. The old manager agreed to take the teen in.

On April 9th, 20XX, Akira was set to leave his hometown. "I'm going to pay as much child support as possible, even if I'll have to go into debt, just to never see you again!" Bayonetta said to him as he was exiting the apartment. Akira said nothing back and shut the door.

A long, exhausting train ride later, Akira finally arrived in Tokyo. Once he got to the busiest crosswalk in Shibuya, Akira discovered a strange application on his phone that he never installed. He pressed on it, and suddenly, everyone stopped moving. Everyone in Shibuya except for Akira was frozen stiff. The teenager deleted the app, and everyone began moving again. I must be hallucinating. I need to get to Leblanc, Akira thought and headed there.

Once he got inside, he finally met his guardian. Sojiro Sakura. He was cold towards him, but even he seemed friendlier than Bayonetta ever was. Sojiro gave Akira a bed in the cafe attic and told him to behave himself. "One mistake and I'll kick you out," he said. "Yes, chief, I understand," Akira responded. "Kid seems more polite than I expected," Sojiro said to himself and headed out.

The next day, Akira went to Shujin Academy for a little tour. There, he met principal Kobayakawa, his homeroom teacher, Kasumi, and the famous PE teacher, Suguru Kamoshida. This doesn't seem bad, Akira thought, I should be able to manage.

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