Tohru Ashikaga PT. 2

Start from the beginning

One time, all he did was say hello to her and she froze him solid in ice.

It took Geysis an hour to melt him out of there.

Vlad King: You should just give up on her...

Tohru: What?! Why?!

Vlad King: Face the facts, Tohru...She doesn't like you and doesn't want to interact with anyone. One time during the internship, she literally blocked off all contact with her other classmates and with on patrols by herself.

Well that was reckless...and dangerous...

Tohru made a frown. He gets that Fumiko is powerful. But still...she needed to be more careful with herself.

Tohru: I just don't know what she's thinking, but no matter what...I won't give up on her...I'm going to be her friend! Whether she likes it or not!

Vlad King: But you been following her since day one. By now, someone could mistake you for a stalker.

Tohru: ?!


Tohru: That's bad...right...?

Vlad King: Very if you want to end your career real early...

Nevertheless, Tohru's new goal...get Fumiko to like him and be his girlfri-I mean...friend...


Fumiko: Stop following me, creep!

Tohru: Oh come on! I just want to get to know you!

Fumiko: Just leave me alone... Honestly. You are so annoying.

Tohru's heart skipped a beat. Annoying? She thinks he's...annoying.

Fumiko: Honestly. It's annoying how someone like you gets to smile. Like nothing is wrong. It pisses me off. While everyday I have to struggle and train myself everyday to...too....

Fumiko looked like she was struggling to get the words out.

Tohru: To...what?


Tohru: Fumiko-chan...Is something wrong...?


Fumiko stayed quiet for felt like an eternity before she turned to him and Tohru's eyes went wide. All the frustration she had a while ago...had dissolved away and she now had tears in her eyes.

Fumiko:....Do you know the Pro-Hero Endeavor and have you two heard of quirk marriages?

And with that, Fumiko went on to telling Tohru the tale of Endeavor...

What surprised Tohru the most is that Fumiko had a sister...she didn't mention about family to anyone when she got to U.A...

She's always been alone...

Her sister, Yukimura Rei, was taken from her when she was a little girl...

Her father sold her to Endeavor to have a quirk marriage with him so they could conceive a child and use him/her to surpass All Might.

At first, the Yukimura family was aganist it. But he bought Rei, from her family, just to get his hands on her quirk. He talked their father into it and gave them a large sum of money. With his child succeeding where he failed. He forced his own ambitions on his children's future.

Fumiko was disgusted...while her parents just sit, watch, and let it all happened...she didn't want to stand for this...

Even as a child...she knew that quirk marriages were wrong... they're used as an excuse to breed the "perfect" child...

She hated this...

Hated the quirk marriage...

Hated her parents...

Hated Endeavor for taking her sister away...

Hated herself...for being able to do anything...

Which is why... she's here... she's going to become a Pro-Hero and bring her sister home and bring Endeavor to Justice.

Fumiko: you know the truth...the reason why I'm here... It's my ambition...


Fumiko: My sister...she's suffering...she's suffering everyday because of him. He wouldn't even allowed her to come home...he just brought her off and forbid her from seeing us...

Tohru: (Wow... Who would've thought the Number Two Pro-Hero turned out be a huge piece of shit...)

Fumiko: Now you understand my pain...which is why I must carry teh burden alone...

Tohru: No!

Fumiko: Eh?

Tohru gently grabbed her shoulders.

Tohru: You don't have to do this alone. You want to help your sister right? So...let me help you!

Fumiko: ?!

Tohru: Heroes help each other. They don't have to fight their battles alone. They just need help them...


Something inside Fumiko felt different...almost felt like...her ice heart...

Fumiko's cold heart begins to thaw out.

Tohru: Let me help you, matter'll find someway to get her back. Even if it take years. I believe in you. You don't have to be sad anymore...because someone now has got your back.

Fumiko:.....Tohru, was it?

Tohru: Ah...yes?

Fumiko then hugged him as Tohru begin to blush.

Fumiko: Arigatou...

The relationship between them had finally blossoms.

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