Nat and Amelia talk

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Amelia pov
When i got back i went into my room. It was nat. She was probably doing something.
"Hi"she said
"Hi"i said
"So you know that prom is about two weeks a way ?"asked nat
"No i thought it was a month away"i said
"So does anyone invited you ?"asked nat
"No except for that douchebag Nick but he is a cheater"i said
"Wait aren't nick dating molly ?"asked nat
I nodded. Nick was a cheater who cheated on molly but still she manages to forget him. I know that she can find someone better. Like Tim.
"Even Clint don't like him"said nat
"Yeah so Clint got an offer for a date ?"i asked her
"No even though he is waiting for someone"said nat
I blushed. I remembered that kiss. I think i am falling in love with him. Then i got serious.
"Nat do you think that Clint loves me ?"i asked her
"Of course he loves you he wouldn't love you if he didn't kiss you"said nat
Then i got a call from Tim.
"Hi amelia listen i think i can hack into the system and steal their costumes"said tim
"Tim you really can ?"asked amelia
"Yeah before off the prom"said tim
"Okay so whats the plan ?"i asked him
"Molly is here with her brother. We need you and nat"said Tim
"Okay be there right away"i said
We both went there. All of us was there. I saw Clint looking at me.
"So why did you invited us here ?"asked thor
"Make it quick i have match tomorow"said tony
"I am gonna steal your costumes"said tim
"From shield ?"asked steve
Tim nodded. That was dangerous game he was playing.
"If he knew how to do it i'm in"said bruce and looked at all of us.
"I'm also in"said Molly
"Count me in"said thor
"Me too"said tony
"Same here"said tony
"I'm in"said nat
"Also"said Clint
Tim looked at me.
"Okay fine me too"i said
"Perfect. Now all we need is two volunters"said tim
He looked at us. Me and Molly raised hands.
"Okay now all 6 of us go home"said Molly
"We are home"said thor
"Yeah"said tony
"Okay then go into your rooms"i said

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