picking up babies

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Laura pov
I drived james to school.
"Have your lunch ?"i asked him
He nodded.
"Did your homework ?" I asked him
"We didnt have it"he answered
"Okay be safe"i said
He closed the car door and went to school. I drived to sheild base. And picked up the babies. and drived home.
Regina pov
I drived anthony to kindergarten. He gets of a car and kissed me on my cheek. And went to kindergarten. I drived to shield base. And picked up the babies.
Ted pov
I drived my wife and bill with dave to job and school. When i drived her to job she picked up a purse and kissed me and went to her job. I drived bill,dave to their school. Bill started listening to linkin park. I love that band too.
Then we drived to school. And they  went to school. I asked dave a question :
"Packed your lunch ?"
He nodded
"Did your homework ?"i asked him
"We didnt have it"he said
"Okay be safe"i said and watched him go to school. Then i drived to shield base and picked up the baby.
Katy pov
I drived harriet,ted and terry to school. We listened to linkin park. When we drived to school harriet was the first to open the door and went to school then ted then terry.  i drived to shield base. And picked up the baby.

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