high school

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Molly pov
When i went into my room. I called amelia and tim. They picked up.
"Guys do you think our band will survive ?"asked tim
"Yes why would it ?"i asked him
"I think its because we are going to high school"he said
"Come on our band will survive"said amelia
"You really think that ?"i asked her
"Yeah"said tim
Then i said
"Meet you at school"i said and they putted the call.
Then when we put everything in backpack. I went outside. We will go to new york school. When my mom and dad drived us there. I saw tim and amelia with their siblings.
"I will talk to you later"said clint to me. Then he went to the tim's and amelia brothers and sisters. Tim and amelia went to me. Amelia said :
"Wow you'r brother clint is hot"
"Are you kidding me ?"asked tim
"No"said amelia
"You actually have a chrush on my brother clint ?"i asked her
She nodded.
"Amelia i won't tell him"i said
Then we went in our leasons. Me,amelia,tim hated our teacher misis estarka. We didnt hated her like stacy,ashley and kelly.  They were like mean girls. Ashley was a queen of them. I saw her flirting with thor . I was angry. I went to them.
"Hi ashley"i said
"Hi losser"said ashley
Then she went to her besties.
"Thor she is not really good in bed"i said
"Why do you know that ?"he asked me
"Because my brother told me it"i said
"Okay"he said
Then it was lunch. Me,tim and amelia sit down in one table.
Nat pov
Tony,clint,thor,steve,me and bruce sit down in one table. I saw amelia in other with her friends.
"Tony you're a dumbass"said clint
"Why ?"asked clint

teen avengers high school au 1 bookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora