
35 3 2

Months Later


"Shush." Jisoo interrupted. Lalisa just rolled her eyes, keeping her gaze on the doors to her room.
"Check if someone's behind that door.", Jisoo got up from the bed and slowly opened the door, peeking in between the cracks. Her face turned solemn and cold at the person behind the entrance. She opened it wider and Jennie walked in, Lisa avoided her eyes and looked at the bedsheet.

"What," Lalisa said, looking up at Jennie.
"Please, I'm-"
"-Sorry. No, get out."
"GET OUT!" Lalisa screamed, making Jennie jump. Jennie shook her head and looked at Lisa with guilt and regret.
"Now.", Jennie left the room, her head facing her feet.

Jisoo shut the door and looked at Lisa,
Jisoo sighed then rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.
"You're being stubborn again, don't be like that."
"Well, sorry if my 'LOVER' attempted to kill me a second time." Lalisa rolled her eyes and laid back in her seat. Jisoo went silent and continued to stare at Lisa. She walked up to her and grabbed her arm tightly.
"Go," she said, Lalisa shook her head,
"This is your last opportunity to have her back, why waste it?"
Lalisa sat up and looked at Jisoo with a type of 'you're stupid' face.

She got up, standing in her place,
"Jisoo, she's SATAN. I'm GOD. We aren't meant to be anyways."
Jisoo sighed,
"Why are you so hard to deal with?!" she shouted, lecturing Lalisa.
"Yes you're GOD, but still! You're supposed to be kind and give-"
"Life isn't always like that!" Lisa screamed, the elder had a serious look on her face now,

She walked closer, face to face with Lalisa.
"When were you so stubborn?!"
"I'm not stubborn!"
They fought for hours, which felt like days even.
"You're too immature, Lalisa. You may be young but at least your mother was wiser.".
"I never even had a mother!"
"Stop being so stupid! How do you think you became GOD? Magic?!".
Lalisa went quiet, looking down. Jisoo turned her back to Lalisa and walked out the door, the doors slamming behind her.

Tears left Lisa's eyes as she wept, her knees no longer to stay up.
"Why am I so stupid..." she thought, she removed her hands from her face and looked out the window, smiling fakely.
"Well, life will be 'better' without them..."
Well, that's what she thought.


It's been a year since Lisa and Jisoo have last talked to each other, Jisoo being nowhere to be found in heaven. Lalisa was in the library studying alongside some small children. One suddenly ran up to her and tugged her dress.
"Lalisa?" the tiny voice spoke, Lalisa smiled at the child and picked him up, putting him on her lap.
"Yes?" she responded, still holding him.
"I found something! Can you come?", Lisa nodded and followed him down the street. They arrived at an old wooden chapel which her 'mother' had hung out all the time in. The boy held her hand, leading her inside silently. Lalisa pushed the timber doors opened followed by an eerie creaking.

He crouched down behind one of the chairs, Lisa right behind him. Distant yet close murmurs sounded in her ears. She peeked from behind the seat and stared at the two women speaking, one with rose blonde hair and the other with dark purple. The purple-haired one looked at the other girl and smiled, her face looked familiar. 
"Jisoo?" she thought. She looked at the boy and smiled,
"We should go now."
"Awh, can we come tomorrow?"
"Sure.", she cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead, leaving with him in my arms.


Lalisa walked back to the library, her heels clicking on the floor. She suddenly got the uneasy feeling someone was behind her. She turned her head just to see nobody. She shook her head and stared ahead, taking a seat on the table next to her book. Lalisa massaged her temples and stared at her surroundings. A black silhouette appeared into sight, making Lalisa jump. She stood her guard as the figure approached her, the same woman from the chapel with the dark purple hair and a sweet smile stood in front of her.
"Hey, Lalisa," she said, scratching her head.
"Wait- What?", Lisa shook her head and the elder laughed at her, stretching out her arm.
"I saw you at the chapel today, by the way." Jisoo giggled, Lisa's cheeks flushed red as she shook hands with Jisoo.

"Aish, it's fine, don't be like that Lalice.", Jisoo cupped her cheeks and bent down to her level, smiling. Lalisa smiled back shyly and held Jisoo's hand.
"So we're okay now?" Lisa asked, Jisoo nodded and smiled widely. She walked around the table and sat beside Lisa, looking at what she was doing.
"What are you doing?"
"Studying, I need to help the kids with English since most of them are ready to go down.". Jisoo formed her mouth in an 'o' shape and shook her head 'yes'.

She held Lisa's hand on the table and sighed,
"Don't overwork yourself, I'll bring you food.", Lalisa smiled and nodded at her. Jisoo kissed her cheek then left the room. Lisa's eyes expanded and she cupped her cheek.
"What-" she blushed. She shook her head and went back to studying.


Jennie was sitting on her throne, contemplating on what to do since there was no Lalisa now. A loud crash came from outside the palace, alarming the jaded queen. She ran outside and saw Rosie with Jisoo on the floor, bleeding. She helped Rosie up and gave Jisoo a dirty look, which Jisoo returned.
"Come on, Chaeng. Don't worry." Jennie smiled reassuringly but Chaeyoung only stared at her, worried.

Rosie sat down on the floor in the medical room while Jennie was currently lecturing Jisoo for 'hurting' Chaeyoung.
"I don't even know what Lalisa ever saw in you, Miss Kim," Jisoo spoke, Jennie's face red and boiling in anger until a sweet, high-pitched voice came from the stairs that lead to heaven. Jisoo looked back at her then smiled.
"Jisoo unnie!" someone shouted, her long dress trailing behind her and her golden crown shining in the sun. Jisoo smirked at Jennie while she just frowned. Jennie took a step back when the woman glared at her.

"Thanks, Lalice." Jisoo smiled, Jennie clenched her teeth and glowered at Jisoo. Lalisa kept staring at Jennie, almost forgetting about Jisoo. They got lost in each other's eyes until Jisoo slapped Lalisa softly on the cheek. Lisa smiled at her, I looked down and they both left up the stairs.


"So what happened?" Lalisa asked Jisoo while stacking books on the bookcase. Jisoo fumbled with her teacup and stared at Lisa.
"Argh, well I kind of tripped over Chaeyoung when I wanted to visit the earth and we tumbled down the stairs..." Jisoo sighed, Lalisa grinned and looked at Jisoo. Jisoo sighed as Lisa climbed down the ladder and sat next to her, grabbing the first aid kit.
"Jisoo, don't let your nose bleed into your tea!" Lalisa looked at Jisoo disgusted but still laughed, Jisoo rolled her eyes jokingly as Lisa wiped the blood off her nose.

"Ow!" Lisa whined,
"You get what you get." Jisoo gave the same grin Lisa gave her earlier, feeling proud. Lisa rolled her eyes and walked towards the bin. She threw some stuff in and then stared at Jisoo who sipped her tea dramatically. Lalisa looked around her, not paying attention at the wire on the floor. She almost hit the floor when two hands wrapped around her waist, holding her. She got up,
"Crap, thanks for that." she looked down and smiled. Her smile disappeared when she saw Jennie, 
"I have to go...", when she looked at the table, Jisoo was gone. Lalisa scowled and turned towards Jennie.

"Listen, please!" Jennie pleaded, getting on her knee and holding Lisa's hand. Lisa looked away from her, blushing unconsciously. She turned her eyes to the woman in front of her, on one knee and looking at her with unsettled eyes.
"Fine, explain.", her heart ached at her smiling face. Jennie held both her hands and stared down at the younger.
"I'm so...sorry. I'm not the best at these but still, I can't take it anymore. Your face makes my heart flutter and I'm cringing right now at this. Just, please. Forgive me. I...I love you, Lalisa Manoban...".

Lalisa looked at her, tears rolling down her cheek, Jennie looked visibly anxious, causing Lalisa to smile.

Cliffhanger (;

1370 words ((:

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