Chapter 4: Deity Encounter and Building up the House

Start from the beginning

"Ok but wh-." Before he was able to finish his sentence I place my... trout... onto his temple and filled his mind with information, about different foods and new crafting recipes of items that may serve him well. He sat on the ground not fully unconscious but he would wake up pretty soon. I then vanished out of the pig as well as the overworld, to my home to take a nice hot bath.

Steve's POV

My head felt like it was under pressure, I had no idea why and I was face to face with a pig, which I later killed to cook up dinner (for some reason I felt a little bad killing the pig, like I knew the pig in some way... oh well). I finished up the new section of the house for Andrea and me & Cupa both got Andrea to her section and surprised her with it. Andrea's eyes widened and a smile started to form on her face, it was really cute to see her like this especially when she tried to hide her excitement... really cute... really.! No Steve, this is no time to be thinking about that right now

"It took me all day finish build both of the new rooms." I said while pretending to wipe sweat from my forehead. I was trying to indicate it was really hard work...

"Wait...both rooms..." Cupa said with a puzzled face, "Who has the second room?"

"The room is yours." I said, "You couldn't think that we could keep sharing one tiny bed every night?"

"Well what if I wanted to?" she said with a pouty face and walked off to probably see the new room.

"Cupa, wai-!" I was stopped in my tracks by what seemed like someone holding on to my arm. It was Andrea and she turned towards me with tears in her eyes and just like before they were tears of joy. I was confused by this as she was very protective of anyone seeing her face and before I knew it she leaned in and kissed me. I was astonished by this as I would never think that Andrea would do something like this, her lips felt were so soft and made me want to be like this for the rest of my life. It what was short but savory.

"You've done so much for me..." she said, "I wanted to show you my gratitude for everything you had done for and also wanted to tell you...that...I... I... I love you..."

I was in awe yet again, she said she loved me (that may not mean anything to you but to me it was like an achievement) and she might have noticed that I really liked it and started to blush even more than before. I was speechless and I felt like I had a million things to say but I could not find the right words to use. I quickly caught myself and I said, "Andrea... I care about you a lot and I will protect you from any danger that would try to hurt you..." and I embraced her with a hug. She hugged me back and tears started to flow from her eyes and I knew she was happy.

I went out to the kitchen to start dinner and Cupa came up next to me to probably see what I was doing. I told her I was going to make some cooked pork chop with a side of steamed carrots chopped and milk to wash all of that down with.

"Wow, where did you get all this food from?" she asked in a curious voice

"I found all of these ingredients around the forest along with killing a pig that I saw when I was building the sections and I found a cow and milked it for some of its milk with a bucket I found." I said proudly

"And how did know how to cook all of these dishes?" she asked still curious

"Well i..." and just then I realized how did I know on cooking all of these foods?, "I don't know..."

She didn't seem to hear what I said as she was gazing at the delicious looking dish. All I remembered when I got all of those stuff was the pig that I killed. Strange...

Cupa got out of her trance and noticed how I had cuts on my hands and she asked, "How did you get those cuts on your hands?"

"Oh these, yeah I got a bit cut up from working on those two sections all day." I said in a joking manner, "No need to worry about it."

"I don't like seeing you get hurt like this..." she said as her mood changed to being worried.

"I said don't worry about it." I replied, "As long as you and Andrea are happy then I'm happy too. I would protect you guys to the very end until I fall and even after that I would get back up and protect you even more, because I care about yo-!"

Before I was able to finish my sentence Cupa leaned in and kissed me. I was in awe yet again (can you count the amount of times I said "awe"?" As the kiss ended, I saw in Cupa's eyes sympathy and care, as if trying to say you idiot, you know saying stuff like this makes me blush... she then said, "No one has ever cared about me like that before besides my parents... I... I... I love you..." and just like that my heart skipped a beat...twice! I was unable to say anything; all I thought of was to just hug Cupa... it felt right. We finished dinner and I headed off for bed, while Cupa and Andrea talked about stuff. I lied in my bed for a while just thinking about how I had such an odd day, I tried my best to recap on everything that happened but that just made my head hurt. I was about to fall asleep until I hear my door open and what brought my attention was Cupa and Andrea with stern faces and they both asked, "So when were you going to tell her that me and you are already a couple!" I just sat there with a blank face trying to figure out exactly how much of an idiot I was.

"Well!" they both said, "Who are you going to pick?!"

"Uhh..." was all I was able to mutter out as my brain was not able to fully capacitate what was going on.

Cupa started, "Well since you couldn't come up with a reasonable solution, we decided for you..." and Andrea finished, "We decided that we will share you equally, Cupa being your wife and I your mistress."

I was surprised by this as it could show on my face a bright red and what topped the cake was that they began to take off their clothes, leaving only on their underwear. I was astonished and droplets of blood started to pour out of my nose (which I quickly caught so they wouldn't notice) and they both got into bed with me, which was very crowded but it wasn't that bothered me but the rubbing of breasts on my body made it a little better.

"I-I don't think there is enough space for all of us..." I uttered out

"Nonsense" Cupa said as she wrapped her leg around me

"Yeah." Andrea ended as she herself did the same

And the both ended the conversation by giving a kiss goodnight on my cheeks, one for each of them. I felt so uncomfortable and I didn't get a wink of sleep but all that ran through my mind was How I was the luckiest guy there ever was.

Hey guys and gals i hope you enjoyed the fourth chapter of this story, be sure to leave comments to show your support and stuff. Also be sure to share this with your friends, brother, or even your dog, well anyway be sure to look out for the next chapter of The Tale of Mobs and Steve. Cya!

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