☆ Season One || Chapter One

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Originally I had planned on waiting before I post this chapter but with the recent news regarding the game...I have decided to post this earlier than intended, the story takes place at the beginning of Wizardess Heart and in this, Liz Hart (MC) has sisters. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Tell me your thoughts in the comments.

Edit: First off, I'd like to apologize for not posting anything lately. Not only that but being late for the rewrite I had promised, I'll be posting every rewritten chapter individually and keep you updated on the newer chapters while I do that. Hope you enjoy the changes. Some minor characters will also have their designs changed up a little but that's for another time. There were simply some simple scenes added in this and a new character may have been mentioned but the plot is the same. I still recommend for you to read it though.


Amidst the darkness of the night, the full moon stood in all its glory, casting a red glow onto the eerie forest.

A sound of a twig snapping interrupted the deafening silence as a girl with long, curly, soft hair emerged from the bushes, the red light illuminated her bloodied face. With each step, her dark blue cloak fluttered back and forth with the wind. With every move, she would wince slightly, visibly in pain, yet she would continue to stride forward, never once turning to look back. Each step felt heavier than the last as the young female endured the agonizing pain.

With her gaze focused in front of her, she kept striding forward at full speed, eyes focused on the destination, that's all that mattered to her.

As she proceeded forward, her legs began to tire, slowing down little by little. Suddenly, it caught on something as she lost her balance and tripped. The young girl's body came rolling down the hill, her face slamming into the dirt, the sharp rocks digging into her and cutting through her flesh before her body finally crashed into a tree.

"Agh..." She let out a small grunt as she held onto her stomach and started coughing, "Must...keep...moving..." Despite the pain, the young girl gripped the soil with all her might and attempted to get up. Though she fell down again, she kept pushing forward finally getting back on her feet.

Knowing there was no time to waste, she ran straight to her destination. Why was she running? What was she searching for? She did not know but her mind kept telling her to move forward, her body kept pushing her to her limits. The girl had to keep running, or it would be too late, too late to stop what was to come. She couldn't be late, whatever it took, she needed to be there or everything would be lost.

She quickly made her way through the thick branches and trees and ran once more.

The girl's icy blue eyes fluttered open as she gasped for air, her heartbeat slowly calming down as she took in her surroundings, finding herself in the comfort of her warm bed. It took her a few minutes to register everything, with a sigh she placed her hand on her forehead, "It was just a dream..." She could still recall the fear and the urgency. It all felt so vivid to her, she almost couldn't believe it was just a dream.

After a while, Lillias slowly pulled herself and glanced to her side, her lips curved into a smile when she saw her two sisters sleeping peacefully on the bed, deep in the land of dreams. Slowly and gently she got off trying not to make any sound, lest she woke them up.

"Ah...." With a small grumble, one of the sisters pulled herself up, her hair was disheveled and messy and her amber-colored eyes looked tired. "Is it....morning already?" She mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning Liz," Lillias looked behind her and greeted her sister with a smile, she could tell her sister was still half asleep. "Slept well?"

Liz simply nodded in reply before stretching her weak, slender arms. She silently got out of bed and walked toward Lillias, "Yes, what about you?"

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