Chapter 8: You Left Your Mark

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After a few days of not hearing from him, I thought maybe I was in the clear. WRONG.

I was sitting at work, it had been like two days. He texted me "Hi."

I respond "Hi."

"I'm sorry let's just be friends again, " he pleads. Then I get several notifications of him re-adding me on every social media account. As much as I wanted to stand my ground with Nash, I caved.

"Fine."  I hope I don't regret this.

Chrismas and New Years passed by, and we had been in a friendly place. We were hanging out a lot again and talking a lot again. We got really close again.


After a few days of him ignoring me, I am sitting in class and my phone buzzes.

He texts, "Ella, I'm sorry to tell you this, but this whole time I just wanted to get close to Quinn, and I never wanted to be with you. I thought you should know. You deserve better than me. I don't deserve you. I want you to move on and find someone better." Nash doesn't sugar coat it. I am devastated.

My stomach sinks as a read this message. I immediately start crying. I have got to get out of this classroom. I texted Quinn and told her what he said and forwarded the message. She is LIVID.

"COME HOME. LET'S SKIP CLASS," Quinn's text reads.

I go home and decide to skip class with Quinn. She lets me cry in her arms. Quinn leaves him the nastiest voicemail telling him how shitty of a person he was for doing that to me.

I can't stop crying. I stayed in bed for a few days. I had never been this hurt before. How could Nash do this to me? I start replaying everything in my head and asking myself, where did things go so wrong? Did I miss something? My stomach is in knots. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I just lay in bed and let the days pass.

Quinn came into my room. She says,"You are eating. I don't care if I have to force feed you. You are getting out of bed and you are going to eat the food I bought you."

I didn't have the energy to fight with her. It was Valentine's Day. She chose to stay with me today over going to her boyfriend's house. So I sat at the table and tried to eat the food she bought me.

"Can I go lay down again?" I ask.

"No. Let's watch a movie," she says.

"Fine." I laugh.

We actually end up watching re-runs of the Bachelor instead of a movie, and then it happens. My phone rings. Who could possibly be calling me? I have barely talked to anyone the past few days.

Nash's name appears across my phone.

My stomach sinks. WHY is he calling me? I go outside and answer.

"Hi," I say.

"Hey. Do you have a second to talk?" he asks.

I reply, "I mean I don't have anything to say but if you do, go ahead."
"Ella, I am so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it. I never liked Quinn. I just felt like you deserved better than me. I thought I was doing you a favor by giving you a reason to hate me so that you could move on and be with someone who deserves you. I don't deserve you. I miss you. I am so sorry I did that to you. Please tell me what I can do to make it up to you."

I about drop the phone.

"Nash, you hurt me so deeply. I don't really know what to say."

He begs, "Please give me another chance Ella, that's all I'm asking for."

I spoke before I could actually think. "One more chance. That's it. One more chance and if you mess it up this time, I will be done for good."

"I promise I will make it up to you," he says.

"Fine," I reply, and then hang up the phone.

This might be the worst idea I have ever had but a part of me will regret not giving him another chance so I decide to.

The Best Worst ThingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon