Chapter 6: Moment In Time

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"Why are we watching Halloween? One Halloween is over and two I hate scary movies." I scowl at him. "Because it will be fun!" he says. I cling to him the entire movie, barely looking at the screen, and then he thinks its funny to make me jump. As soon as its over, I am freaking out. Michael Myers scares me to death. I don't know why he just always has.
"I am going home now are you going to be alright?" Nash asks.
"No. but I have to go housesit my moms house anyways." I say.
"Okay I will talk to you later." He waves goodbye.
Its not like I even expect him to actually "talk to me later." So I wont be getting my hopes up. Even though he made me watch this scary movie and now I will never be able to fall asleep.

I am lying in my moms bed watching tv when my phone is ringing. Nash is calling me. I find that very odd.
"Hello." I say. "Hey" he says. "Thanks to you I am scared that Michael Myers is going to come knocking on my moms front door." I say. "Oh no, I would never let that happen Ella." We then started talking about random things and an hour had gone by and he said "I would drive over there just to hang out with you if it wasn't so late, Im sorry youre scared." "Its okay, I appreciate the offer though." "Well I think its time for me to go to bed." He says. "yeah me too." I say. "I love you ella. Goodnight." He whispers in the phone. And then hangs up. I don't even know what just happened. Did he actually say he loved me? Did he even mean it? Is Nash just drunk right now or is this how he really feels? I know for my sake, I cant dwell on this because if I do, it will drive me crazy. Deep down I hope he meant it, I would like to think he actually loves me instead of the alternative its just all one big lie. As I am laying in bed overthinking all of this. I don't know if I love him back. I don't really think he has given me enough to love him back. Or am I just lying to myself. Facing my own emotions means giving him the power to actually hurt me and Im just not sure if im ready for that right now.

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