
The sound of her voice makes me smile, and I finally spot her as she pushes between the double-doors from the back.

"I was hoping I'd get to see you two today."

Ava walks over and pulls me into her arms. We embrace for probably too long, but I'm not going to be the first one to let go. She smells good, she feels good, her mouth is against my neck and I can just imagine the things she'd be saying if we weren't in the middle of her bakery.

When she finally pulls back, she kisses me softly and we're basically one breath away from ripping each other's clothes off.

Ivy clears her throat. "So, uh, what's the special today?"

Ava and I break our trance and she walks behind the pastry case. "I made some orange creamsicle, which I know are your favorite."

I watch as Ivy and Ava bond and geek out over cupcake flavors. I'm imagining the silky smooth frosting and I know any flavor I pick is going to be delicious. I decide on a carrot cake and Ivy has a pineapple upside down.

"Can you come sit with us?" Ivy asks.

Ava looks around and makes eye contact with the disinterested employee pretending to wipe down tables. They exchange a nod and he moves back to the cash register as she takes her apron off, and grabs a cupcake of her own.

"So how's wedding planning?"

Ava knows exactly how to get on Ivy's good side, and we spend most of our time listening. Well, as far as Ivy can tell, we're listening. She can't see Ava's hand under the table, resting not so carefully on my thigh. The way she slides it up, perilously close to where I really want it to be, and then back to my knee. She makes a circle with her fingertips, then starts the trail all over again.

I'm so engrossed in what she's doing that I completely fail to hear Ivy's question until she kicks me under the table.

"Little distracted over there?" Ivy says, teasing.

"Sorry," I laugh. "What was the question?"

"I asked if you have everything ready on your side for the bachelorette party?"

Oh, right.

"I do!"

"Did you invite Ava?"

"Oh, well, I wasn't sure..."

"What? Of course you should," Ivy says. She turns to Ava. "We're going to Vegas. Have you been?"

Ava puts her head in her hands. "No, I haven't. When is all this happening?"

We talk about the trip and everything that's planned.

"I know Jane has space in her room because we booked a suite, and it's just the two of us, so..."

"How about if we talk about it later?" Ava suggests.

The three of us nod and smile, and the idea of her going with us thrills me. I happen to love Vegas, all the food and the sights -- it would be great to share that with both Ivy and Ava. In different ways, of course.

We finish up and Ava takes our plates after giving me a succulently sweet kiss goodbye.

The second we're out the door, I'm smacking Ivy's shoulder and playfully chastising her for inviting Ava.

"Oh, come on," she says. "Maybe if you'd grow a pair of lady balls, I wouldn't have had to invite her. Have you asked her to the wedding yet?"

I kind of want to sink into the concrete we're walking on.

"No," I say in my smallest voice.

Ivy rolls her eyes. "Jesus Christ."

"It's still a few months away! I don't know what's going to happen between now and then!"

She stops and turns to me. "Hey, Jane. Are you listening?"

I nod.

"You can't put everything on hold because you're afraid. You're either in or you're out. Don't be halfway in, but holding back. You've told her so much, she's told you so much."

I do sort of a non-committal half-nod and we walk the rest of the way in silence. The work day ends and I'm on my way home when my phone pings in my purse. I dig it out the moment I've parked and smile at Ava's text.

It's a simple request to bring dinner over, but it means more time together and it's really thoughtful. I reply and change into my pajamas as Cat follows me around meowing.

"She'll be here soon, buddy."

He head-butts my leg and we head into the kitchen. I grab plates and try to breathe. It doesn't take long until there's a knock on the door, and Cat is basically attempting to will it open. He's turning circles and won't be quiet.

"Come in."

The door opens and closes, and I can hear Ava giving Cat the love he feels he deserves.

"Hey," she says as she enters the kitchen. She doesn't wait for me to turn away from the stove and greet her, she sets the bags down and walks up behind me to wrap her arms around my waist.

"Hey," I say back, turning my head to kiss her.

"I brought Thai food," she says between kisses.

I turn to face her. "I can't wait," I mumble against her lips. "Starving."

It's clear that neither of us wants to break apart, but the food smells good and this isn't how I want to reconnect with her.

"Should we watch some Netflix while we eat?"

We're still holding each other, looking into each other's eyes and sneaking kisses.


A few more kisses later, we're sitting on the couch and inhaling the food, Cat forever between us. The food disappears quickly and I pull her foot into my lap and start rubbing. I can only imagine what it's like to be on your feet nonstop for hours and hours at a time.

"I feel like I'm always falling asleep on you," she whispers.

She's right, she's falling asleep in the corner on the couch, but I don't mind.

"I like that you feel safe here."

I'm not sure she hears me, but I'm glad to be able to get to say it. When she's softly snoring, I cover her up and watch as Cat tucks himself in.

She's gone in the morning, long ago left for the bakery according to her note. I go through my routine and meet Ivy at the gym. The whole day passes in a blur, and before I head home, I stop for my appointment with Cindy.

We talk about all the boring details of the day, until I'm settled enough to dive in to the last week. Cindy is pleasantly surprised at the way we've both been honest. It makes me happy to have her approval, even though I know it shouldn't matter. It's been a long time since my life has felt like it was really going well.

It's terrifying in the best way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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