.Chapter 2.

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(Y/n)'s pov:

That dumbasss had told dad to enroll us in some "Ultimates school" whatever the hell that was.

So now currently we were packing up our school supplies to go off to some preppy school.
I was way happier when we were homeschooled. No need to talk to weird people. And the only person I got to talk to was Peko. I liked it that way.

"Young mistress, it's time to go."

"Peko how many times do I have to tell you! Call me (Y/n)"

She nodded and walked off to tell Fuyuhiko to hurry his ass up probably.

I threw my backpack on and dashed out of my room, making sure as soon as I stepped foot out of my I slowed my step as Father hated when we ran in the hallways.

"Fuyuhiko come on, we are going to be late."

I could physically feel Fuyuhiko rolling his eyes in the other room.

Peko soon came to my side as I sat on the couch waiting for Fuyuhiko to get ready.

"So, Peko, what are you excited for this school year, well finally not be homeschooled."

"I get to be with you and young master. I will get to experience with you two what it will be to be with other people."

I nodded to myself.

Soon enough he was ready.

"Get the car, Peko."

Peko nodded and went outside to the front of the house presumably to call some of our men to drive us to the new school.

"So, are you excited?"

I asked to break the silence.

"Tch. Sure. Thought it would be nice for you to interact with other people."

I rolled my eyes with a small laugh.

"You dumbass, I already told you I talk to enough people I got you, Peko, and Natsumi."

"Natsumi is a bitch, Peko barely talks, and I, I get annoyed by you."

Wow, such a way to sugarcoat it.

"Young master and mistress, the car is ready."

Peko came in, interrupted our lovely conversation.

Fuyuhiko got up the coach, his hands in his pockets. As if he had finished this conversation.

I grabbed his backpack and mine.
Ready to get my social smile on, no need to scare people away like my brother.

"No goodbye's to your father?"

Peko asked tilting her head.

"He doesn't need one, he'll know we left."

I nodded too. Father doesn't need any distractions or annoyance.

We soon got in the car, the windows blackened so no one could see the Kuzuryu kids.

"Peko, remember, you're always to be close to Fuyuhiko and (Y/n). Don't let them get out of your sight."

"Yes, sir."

Fuyuhiko and I both rolled our eyes. We aren't children anymore. We both know how to take care of ourselves and defend ourselves.

I lay my head on Fuyuhiko's shoulder. Soon to meet new people.

Fuyuhiko always had my back, and I had his.

"We're here. Take care of yourselves."

I nodded to the driver smiling.
Fuyuhiko just ignored the comment and exited the car.

We were greeted by gates.

Fuyuhiko, like the boss he is, he slammed the doors open with a slight smug.

"Butches first."

He snarled, referencing to me.

I rolled my eyes and walked through the gates, making sure to hit his shoulder while passing by.

I'm sure Peko was already done with our childish behavior.

"Young master, (Y/n), that is very childish to be doing in school grounds, you want to set a good first example for yourselves."

"You finally used my name!"

I excitingly programed.
Without knowing my arms wrapped around her.

But as soon as I did, I reclaimed my posture and gave her an apologetic smile, waving my hands in front of her and closing my eyes.

I probably invaded her personal space and now she's thinking I'm annoying.

But when I opened my eyes, she was slightly smiling at me. Like just a small hint of a smile.

"Hurry up dumbass."

I could hear Fuyuhiko yelling, he had already reached the building.

I softly grabbed Peko's wrist and ran to the entrance of the building.
A small smile plastered on my face.


Fuyuhiko mumbled under his breath.

I let go of Peko's wrist and entered the building.
It wasn't very hard to find our classroom as it was one of the first one in the 3rd-floor hallway.

Fuyuhiko and I both just stood in the entrance, anxiety in the air.

Peko patted my back as a form to say to enter.

I pushed the door open to be met with a half-empty classroom, if it was only this many kids, it wouldn't be so bad right?

Wrong, as soon as I took my seat next to Fuyuhiko, Peko sitting behind him, a crowd of students flows through the door.

I wouldn't say I was the most excited to meet new people, but I wouldn't say that I was either annoyed by my situation.

Soon people started to introduce each other.

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