.Chapter 1.

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3rd person pov:

(Y/n) kuzuryu had never been someone to be a tough or serious person. Considering the fact her other siblings were always considered the heir to the gang, she never something to hope for.

Being the Ultimate traceuse, basically a legend in parkour.
Her talent was nowhere close to her older twin brother, or younger sister, she still treasured her Ultimate.
They both had something relating to the Klan, something making them leaders, but (Y/n), she just had some fighting skills.

Yeah, her ultimate came in handy sometimes, but she didn't see anything she could do with it to run the Klan. So she never offered herself up for the role.

That was until she was 13, you see, her and her brother both share a hit-woman, Peko Pekoyama, they all had grown up together, though Peko almost always stayed by Fuyuhiko's side, well (Y/n)'s side too considering they were almost together all the time. But because (Y/n)'s older twin brother was constantly considered as the heir, Peko wanted and was ordered to look after him more carefully.

There had been a little accident which included Peko on the floor, one of her thighs with a bullet and Fuyuhiko beside her yelling at her to not get hurt, and (Y/n), trying to diffuse the situation.

5 men in front of them, in a dark alleyway, talking to themselves of what to do the kids.

As (y/n) quickly thought of a plan, she remembered the backflips she did balancing from each wall, the only reason she remembered was because of Peko, Peko had praised her for it though she was worried her young mistress would get hurt.

(Y/n) quickly got ahead speed, rushing backward and, she hoisted herself up with her right feet aiming to hit the wall with her feet, as she approached the wall, she made sure to be able to lean on it. As soon as her feet touched the wall, she pushed her feet against the wall giving her a little boost.
She aimed directly at one of the big guy heads. As soon she hit his head, the other 4 men were informed of her presence now disrupting their meeting.

She could hear shouts from Fuyuhiko and Peko, both discouraging and encouraging.

"You obsolete dumbass! You're going to get your self killed!

Yelled her brother, as she heard his comment, she rolled her eyes as a natural decision.

"Young mistress, don't hurt yourself, you can do this!"

(Y/n)'s eyes lit up with a burst of energy, hearing such a nice comment from the person who always protecting her. Now she could protect her.

The man all shuffled around trying to catch (Y/n). As they chased her around, she bounces off the walls, the man and ultimately gaining 2 of the men's guns.
She stuck her tongue at the man who was yelling, trying to chase her in the dimly lit alleyway.

As she acquired another gun, she skillfully tossed over to her brother.
He caught it in a heartbeat.
Now there were two against 5.

A loud bang was heard and a loud object hit the floor.

As (Y/n) found the object, she felt something wet around her, blood.

"Got that mother fucker!"

Yelled Fuyuhiko, who was now standing up, no longer aside with Peko.

As the man was still running around, (Y/n) aimed a shot at one of the men.
Another loud bang and a thud.

A sudden rush went through (Y/n)'s body, a scream of excitement exciting her lips.

3 more to go.

Screeches from the street were heard, everyone turned their heads to find the man in black suits, aiming their guns at the 3 other men.

But unfortunately, they had already run when (Y/n) had shot the other man.

The man quickly went to Peko's aid and took her into the black car they came in, escorting the other two twins.

"Peko, Peko! Did you see that! I got my first kill!"

(Y/n) exciting exclaim, one of the men reaching his hand out and receiving a high-five from (Y/n).
Peko slightly smiled before passing out.

After that, she had practiced and practiced her parkour, always getting encouraging words from Peko, and rarely her brother.

She always remembered the day where she almost saved their lives, and more importantly, Peko's life.

If she hadn't distracted the man enough for Fuyuhiko to call for backup on his walkie-talkie, Peko may have bled to death.

After the great accomplishment of getting her first kill, she was now on the same level as her brother. Now if one of them became the next boss, the other would get the same privileges and title.
And Peko was always destined to be by their side, forever, till death separated them.

Now, they were 16, soon turning 17, ready to soon inherit the title of The leader of the Kuzuryu Yakuza clan.

But their plan didn't work out how wanted it to be.

Unfortunately, (Y/n) started to feel something towards a certain someone, but due to the conditions, she hides her feelings and thoughts away. Suffocating her mind.

But soon that would turn into one of her fewer worries.

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