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I comb my hair, as I talk with myself, to my reflection.

I see a girl, fragile and a weak girl without any wills to fly. I see the tired reflection begging me to close my eyes and loose my consciousness, road off to dreamland.

The hectic and tiring dance moves, Upbeat and loud music notes and the sound of almost strained voice.

Everything is normal.

"Chaeyoung." A soft voice speed sup to my ears as I stop combing my hair and drew to that familliar voice that called me from my never ending thoughts.

I hum softly as I turn my gaze to see a slender figure with dyed ash brown hair.


"What are you thinking?" she innocently asks me as I, not surprised but thoughtful about her question. I repeat it over and over and try to form it out in words. Try to tell her all the things I have been huddling up to my chest.

I try to speak yet nothing forms up to my mouth.

"Alot of things, Lisa." I tried to answer her but that doesn't stops her curiosity.

"Are you thinking about the comments?" This time for sure, she caught me in surprise.

"Yes. How did you know that?" I asked her in a amazed yet calm tone. Shuffling my body to her direction, sitting on the chair slowly while she explains her guess.

"I saw you scrolling on the comments, and went to that video and saw the comments and...I saw there were...I...uh." She abruptly stops. Failing to find words not to hurt me.

Right now, I imagine myself on Lisa's position. If I were her, I'd try not to break my heart. I am already broken enough.

I am like a piece of glass. Hold on to light I'll fall and break. Shatter into pieces. Some remains missing, never found and some remains on the floor, hard to glue up.


"You know, You can tell me whatever you are wanting to tell. I already know that thus, It won't hurt me." Finishing off I tried to smile. Not to show my honesty in all imaginative reasons.

"Well, I saw no comments about you, so I thought you might feel sad and...yeah. I'm sorry for not responding to you earlier, I should've-"

"You will only hurt yourself if you think that. I am fine now. No need for you to worry, but I am happy that you noticed." I smile to her.

She smiles too. And let me tell you, her smile could light up a cold grey day. She looks so beautiful with a smile plastered on her face.

I guess everybody does.

Except, some needs the reason to.

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