"Afraid? for what?" He asked with a keen interest in his tone.

"Afraid of spending time with me will make you fall for me" I said smiling.

He was taken aback by my statement at first but then he scoffed, "Oh pleasee...you're not even of my type" he turned away from me.

"Okay...so, please elaborate" I said bending down a bit.

"Why are you so interested in knowing?" He suddenly turned, hitting my forehead with his. "Ouch!!" I rubbed my forehead. "You okay? I'm so sorry...!!"

"It's okay...nothing serious!" I replied back. "On a serious note, why don't you wanna come with me?"

He sighed before replying, "I seriously have work and I'm not a party person, I don't like late night parties at all..."

"Exactly my point!" I clapped my hands and pointed my index finger at him "Even I don't like parties but I really want to go to this party!"

"You do not make any sense!"

"Why does it even matter?" I raised my eyebrows

"Look Hazel, I seriously can't come! Now please leave..."

"Why do you always ask me to leave? Why can't you ask me to stay?" I asked him irritatedly.

"Why do you always barge inside my house without even asking me?"

"Well because you are my neighbour and I have the full access to your house!" I said pointing my finger at him.

"Then why don't you go in any other houses?"

"Because, I like your house and your company and beside here everyone is a bit older to me!!" I shrugged

"How the hell did you even came today and that too directly in my bedroom?" He asked running a hand through his hair while I gave him a mischievous smile.

"You seem to pay no attention to my talks!" I replied.

"Yes, because they are pointless" he replied irritatedly.

"Good for you" I smiled.

"Look Hazel, what do you want?" He asked in a very calm tone

"Come with me in today's party" I shrugged

"There you go again!" He raised his hands up in the air.

"C'mon Mr.Grey Eyes...it's just a party!" I pleaded

"Okay fine...now leave" he said.

"What? Really?!!" I started jumping and clapping and was about to jump on him when he put his hand in the front to stop me.

"Don't make me change my mind" he warned.

"And you think that I'm gonna be scared by your blackmailing?"

Face palming himself he said, "Please leave."

"Okay fine, finally I'm going...but don't be late...I'll be ready by nine!" I smiled.

"Just Go..."

"Stop being so rude" I said walking towards his door.

"Then stop barging inside my house uninvited"

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