Chapter 2: Missing memories

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(The next day...)

Izuku stirred when he felt the warmth of the morning sun on his face. Opening his eyes, he stare at the unfamiliar ceiling. Groaning softly, Izuku sits up and look at the room with half lidded eyes.

Where did his All Might posters and merchandise go? And why does his bed feels different too? No wait a second... this is not his room.

Izuku's hand accidentally brushed against something warm and he quickly snap out of his half-awake state. Turning to his right, Izuku's blood ran cold when he saw that familiar spiky blond haired Alpha sleeping on the same bed right beside him.

He was right. This is not his room. This is Katsuki's room but... what is he doing here in his childhood bully's room? No wait, Izuku has been to Katsuki's house before when they are kids and his room is nothing like this. So where on earth is he right now? He need to go back home right now! His mother must be worried sick about him!

Fearing that Katsuki's going to wake up soon and is going to be screaming, shouting or beating him up, Izuku tried to get off the bed in a hurry. But his legs got tangled in the bed sheets and he ended up falling off the bed and landed painfully on his butt with a loud 'thud'.

Because of this, he ended up waking Katsuki up. Izuku watches with his eyes wide open in horror and fear as Katsuki got up and stare at him with those sharp red eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing, Deku?" Katsuki asked, narrowing his gaze on Izuku.

"I-I-I'm sorry..." Izuku said with a trembling voice as he tried to back away from the blond.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Katsuki tried to reach out for his Omega to calm him down from whatever shit he's going through right now. But when Izuku flinched and recoil away from his touch, Katsuki immediately knew that something was terribly wrong with his mate.

"S-sorry, I'll leave right away!"

Getting up, Izuku was about to bolt out of this place but Katsuki got off the bed and grabbed his wrist in time. Thinking that Katsuki was still pissed at how he tried to apply for UA and is going to beat him up for it, Izuku shut his eyes tightly and exclaimed. "I'm sorry Kacchan! I'm going to give up on a hero! I'll also stay out of your way so please...!"

'Please don't hit me.'

Although Izuku didn't said those words, Katsuki felt it in the bond he shared with his Omega. The smell of an Omega in distress flooded their bedroom and Katsuki fucking hate it. From their bond, Katsuki couldn't feel the love Izuku has for him. The only thing he can felt from his mate is confusion, sorrow, fear and pain. Grabbing onto Izuku's shoulder, Katsuki shakes him lightly as he shouted at him. "What the fuck are you talking about?! What's wrong with you, Deku?!"

Izuku open his eyes and stares at him in shock as tears begin to fall.

Oh fuck! Now he's making his mate cry!

Alright, he need to calm down first or else he's going to make things worse. Taking a deep breath in and out, Katsuki place a hand on top of Izuku's head, just the way the nerd always like it.

"Relax Deku, I'm not going to scold you, hit you or whatever fucked up shit you think I'm going to do to you. Tell me what's wrong and why you're freaking out." Katsuki said, using his calmest voice.

Izuku remain completely still, not wanting to make any movement and risk Katsuki blowing his head up. That aside, he was surprised to see Katsuki being so gentle with him. This is not the blond he knows and something is weird here. Now that Izuku calms down a little, he can see that this 'Kacchan' is taller and more mature looking than the one he knows.

Lost Memories (BakuDeku|Omegaverse)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora