"He'll be back in a moment, promise!"

The boys all now focused on Harry who didn't notice too busy eating.

"Tell us about you." Zayn said chewing on his carrot in all seriousness. Harry looked up at them and was quiet for awhile before beginning.

"I'm Harry styles. Originally from Cheshire. I have an older sister named Gemma whose in Uni nearby. Love reading books and writing stories." He went back to his food just as he finished speaking, finding it too awkward to look at them staring.

"Are you gay?" Niall asked getting straight to the point.

"Huh- oh, um yeah. Is that a problem?" Harry gazed over at Niall gaze pretty intimidating.

"No it isn't, excuse Niall he's like that sometimes." Zayn spoke and kicked Niall under the table.


"Me and Zayn are in fact dating." Liam proclaimed putting an arm around Zayn's waist. 

"Oh, good. That's nice." Harry smiled.

"Are you a playboy?" Niall jutted out again. Dirty glares from Ziam.

"Was." he replied. Sighing, he turned to face them all with a serious expression on his face. "It was just a phase, all of it and right now I'm looking for someone special. I believe in all of that, before you ask. And please, don't judge me by my looks."

"We aren't the type to do that Harry." Liam said immediately.

"Yeah just that if the special someone you find turns out to be Louis, you have to earn our trust too." Niall said, glaring suspiciously at him. Harry nods along slowly.

"Looks like we'll be good friends." Zayn smiled. "Welcome to our group!"

"Thank you for letting me join." Harry grinned showing off his pearly-white teeth.

"We mean it about Louis though." Liam spoke with a serious voice. "He's quiet-um- unaware of the outside world."

"I gathered." Harry smirked just as Louis walked back to their table.

"Sorry for taking too long." Louis panted. His short legs could barely let him walk the length of the room fast before he's tired. Harry found that cute to watch, he would be lying if he said that he wasn't already in love.

"Did y'all bond?" Louis eyes shined brightly hopeful.

"That we did." Harry grinned wide at how Louis jumped up and down squealing out of happiness.


The boys were walking towards the parking lot joking around and just being who they are. Harry couldn't help but steal occasional glances at Louis, the way the corner of his eyes crinkled up when he smiled, soft pink lips pulling apart as he talked, skipping down the way with his short legs trying to keep up with the rest of him.

He was like a small fiery ball of energy with a never-ending supply, always been so innocent, always able to make anyone happy. It had barely been a few hours since he had met him and Harry had already felt a connection like he'd never felt before.

Harry would do anything in his power to make him his.

His thought's were interrupted by Louis' sweet voice directed at him.

"Hazzy, wanna ride with us?" Louis questioned him, cheerful as always. He'd just thought of a perfect nickname and he was proud of it.

"Nah, Gemma's gonna come pick me up." Harry said restraining himself from pulling Louis as close as possible to his heart. It was swelling from how cute the boy was and smiled at him.

Innocence(l.s)✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu