I'll wait for you

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"Yep, that's why, it's okay, for you not to visit me"  y/n said. There something in her smile that is pretty off, from her usual smile.

"I'll wait for you then, so we could hang out, remember I be building the greatest ship and you my beloved friend will be accompanying me to the sea with it"

" That sounds great, I hope for your Dreamship to come true, but don't wait for me, I just come back to you, when I'm done, okay? "

" Fine, as long, you come back"

And y/n said her farewell to her best friend and the person she love. She only kiss his forehead.

"A Good luck kiss" she said to the surprised Ryusui.

And she left to focus on her therapy, her condition were getting worst, she doesn't want to be seen in her worst state, being frail and ugly.

The Months they were separated, were dreadful, Ryusui tried a lot of way to contact y/n. Something really bothering him alot.

He should have notice it, your hiding something to him, You only give him a Good luck kiss. When your scared and hiding something from him.

"Hey Y/n, where are you? Can I visit you there?" Ryusui said.

"Hello, this is y/n, sorry, I'm currently unavailable, just leave a message, after the beep" y/n never forget to respond to Ryusui.

" Where are you, Right now!"

" Hey, I miss you, are you avoiding me?"

"What's wrong? Why I can't see your shadow or name on parties we use to attend! "

" Please... Answer me..."

He truly missed you, A lot and doesn't know, how he can contact you, he was worried about you.

"Heya, Ryu! I'm doing fine, no worries, don't worry about me, I am just way, too busy to attend and yeah I miss you too, sad to say this but I haven't finish what I needed to do, so...I be gone longer" y/n said. She tried her very, very best to sounded, okay, even she wasn't.

"Why do I feel so sad about parting with her? Francois, it wasn't like this before, I'm very fine, but ever since she said, she wanted to marry someone she love, something inside of me, Feel very sad about it, now I'm questioning myself, if I really love her as my friend and sibling,why am I acting like this, I get jealous just thinking, her Happy with someone that is not me" Ryusui said to Francois.

" Maybe, because you really don't love her that way" Francois said.

Ryusui just remove his arm in his eyes and look at Francois.

"What do you mean?"

"If you getting jealous, isn't because you love My lady, As a lover not as a friend and sibling" Francois said.

Ryusui feel his gear in his heart, finally start to move, Finally found the answer to his Question.

"Francois, Call L/n's Manor and asked y/n's location, I have to tell her, how I feel about her, if they doesn't speak call the Greatest Hacker to find her location" Ryusui getting up and fix himself up.

His going to visit you, whether you like it or not.

When he found your location, His heart fell to found you. You were in a bad state.

"Ryu! What are you doing here!" Y/n surprised said. She tried to sound energetic, but she just start to tear up, seeing him.

"Is this the reason,why you didn't contact me" Ryusui asked clenching his fist.

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