Stuttering and set up

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Kuro's pov
A week has past since the second day of practice with a new manager. __ was not there every day, but every other day. It was finally volleyball practice at the end of the day and __ was once again watching. Throughout the time, I noticed how she would always stutter and get a little nervous every time someone talks to her, but she also blushed and stuttered way worse when Kenma greeted her or said anything to her in general. She also kept her eyes mainly on Kenma, and kenma would glance to her once in a while causing his sets to get even more sloppy then they already were. I have gained her trust to where she can talk normal enough to me. I attempted to try and talk to her about Kenma, but she started blushing and stuttering again. She clearly has a crush on him. Every time I attempted to talk to Kenma about her, he would talk about her like he would talk about a new video game. I have spotted him actually smiling at her. I repeat, smiling! They are clearly in love. Her friend is oblivious of that fact, but I believe she may ship them, so I might as well try to set my friend up. I walked over to Lilith during practice. "Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to help me set up those two love birds over there." I pointed back to a blushing __ and relaxed Kenma who were both on their phones. Her eyes lit up so much and she was clearly very excited. "Yes! Of course! So when do we start?" Everyone's eyes were on me and Lilith now. "For starters, not so loud. We don't want them knowing about our plan, do we?" I calmly warn her. "Right. Sorry. Here is my number. We can meet up this weekend." She said, being more secretive and quiet now. I slipped it into my bag and walked away.
The very next day
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, she sat with us at lunch, and on Tuesday's and Thursday's, Kenma secretly watched her practice her guitar in the music room. Today was a Tuesday, so i followed Kenma to the music room. "Instead of watching, why don't you ask her to play for you?" I ask him. I push him into the room. I hear him muttering and he seems awkward and nervous. "I-I was wondering if y-you could play the guitar for m-me?" I heard him quietly stutter. "S-Sorry. I s-suck, so... umm." She was at a loss of words. I watched as Kenma apologizes then quickly retreats back, giving me a death glare. I walk away with an apologetic frown as I head to my next class. I notice him sink into the restroom. I started feeling bad for what I did. After school, I called Lilith.
Hey Lilith. Do you want to start planning now?
Sure. We should decide where this will take place first.
We could lead them both to a restaurant or something like that then find a reason to ditch them. Keep in mind this may not work though. We have to have a backup, which you can decide.
The park, shopping, or movie theaters. How does Kenma think about scary movies?
They don't affect him much.
So we could set them up for a scary movie. She will freak out and hug the closest person to her. But how do we get them there and ditch them?
We could each tell them that me and you as well as a plus one are going and ask them to go until they say yes. Once we get there, we will make the excuse that either we don't have enough money, our parents need us, or we forgot we already had other plans on that day.
The first option has a lot of flaws. They could insist we buy ourself tickets instead. The second or third may be better for Kenma, but the second won't work on __ because she can easily contact my mom since she is like her second mom.
Perfect. And now to figure out when these two plans will be able to fit in.
I think since the movie is more full proof, it should come first. If they enjoyed their time together, we will set them up for the restaurant as well after that. I could check for when a scary movie is available.
Okay. Thank you. Good luck and have a nice day.
With that, we both hung up.
Lilith's pov
I quickly go to a movie theater website and look through the scary movies to see when the movies take place to see what movie will be able to work out. I found the perfect one this weekend. I texted Kuro.
Alright I will tell him
Now to tell __. "Hey __!!! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me, Kuro, and one other person on Saturday. I have to go. It is a really interesting movie." "I guess so. I have nothing better to do. You are picking me up this time." She points time me on her last sentence. Of course I have to. If I send Kenma to do it, both of them will have the chance to back out right away.

Kuro's POV
"Would you like to come to the movie theaters with me, Lilith, and a plus one? It will be fun." I ask. "Sure, but since I can't have my phone out, you own me a day at the arcade." "Got it." Then I got a text from Lilith.
She says yes👍 how you doing with Kenma?
Same here
Nice work. See you tomorrow. Can't wait
Yeah same
With that, I started heading home.
Lilith's POV
I walked __ home and we both made sure her parents were fine with her going with me on Saturday. They okayed it then I started walking to my house. I seriously can't wait.

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