Clumsy and playing volleyball

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Today is going to be awkward from what happened last night with Kenma, I just know it. It was lunch time and I was about to head to the music room when suddenly I heard Kuro calling my name. Right. I was supposed to eat lunch with him. We walk together into the cafeteria and find a spot. We sit across from each other at an empty table. A few seconds past when Kenma walked over to us. "You invited her to our lunch table?" Kenma asks slightly monotoned. "Yeah. Why not get to know her better since she is practically the co-manager since her friend keeps dragging her in." Kuro explains as Kenma takes a seat beside me. We began eating in awkward silence. "So... what do you like to do in your free time?" Koru asks, noticing the awkwardness between the two. "Draw and write, but I am not that good. I am a pro at a few games, but they get boring often." I quietly reply. "Kenma is a gamer as well. It is one of the only things he really does other than volleyball." Koru informs. "If you don't mind, can I look through your drawings?" Kuro requests. "My drawing are personal to me. I am not open in person, but I am in my drawings, so I prefer to keep it to myself." I quietly explain once again. "Hey, __, can I ask you something?" A random guy asks from behind me. I nod and get up. "You are really beautiful and smart. I was wondering if wanted to go out with me?" The guy asks. I obviously like someone else, so I of course reject. "I am sorry but I am not ready for a relationship at the moment." I nervously speak. This happens about monthly. It is like a routine. A guy asks me out, I say I am not ready for a relationship, then he never talks to me again. Every single time, and I am fine with it. I quickly take my seat. It was even more awkward now.
School was finally over and Lilith once again dragged me to the boys volleyball gym. They had taken an off day for some unknown reason and were just relaxing. As I entered with Lilith dragging me, I tripped. Lilith and Kuro helped me up and I noticed Kenma watching me, which caused me to blush. "Do you two girls want to try playing volleyball?" One of the members asked, I think his name is lev. I looked to lilith as though I could find an answer by doing so. "We are in." Lilith exclaims. "I-I guess." I stuttered. "Have you two played before?" He asks. "__ has a couple of times before and she is sort of a pro at serving. I am decent at setter as well." Lilith informs them about both of of our strengths in volleyball. "Great. The teams will be Kenma, __, and taketora vs. Lilith, Kai, and Inouka." Everyone got into their position and the game begun. We started with the ball, so I had to serve. I did the best serve I could, but Lilith, being used to playing with me, knew where it would hit and blocked it, sending it back to us. I hit it toward Kenma so he could set it to taketora. He did just that and Taketora got us a point with his spike. We continued for two more points before they got their own point. I was being a bit lazy, like always when it comes to sports, so that is why they started getting points. I also noticed Kenma was doing the same thing as me. Taketora was the only one at 100% on our team. After they were at nineteen and we were at sixteen, I decided to step up my game. I blocked every ball and hit the ball just perfect. Soon enough my team had twenty points, and the other had twenty two. We got three more points and they got one, so we were now tied at twenty three. I was about ready to give up. I am assuming Lilith noticed since she gave me an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. That always seems to give me enough courage to keep on going and continue pushing through. Then they got a point. Match point. I hit the hall to the setter, who set it to the spiker, then hit the ball back to the other side, then the spiker blocked the ball, giving us a point. A deuce. After a while the other team won with twenty seven points with us at twenty five. Total falling count, seven. "Are you okay? You fell a bunch of times, clumsy." Lilith patted my back. "Yeah, sorry. I am not good with sports and you know this. I didn't choose a sibling and parents who encouraged sports." I chuckle nervously. "I guess you are not the only lazy one after all, either. Kenma seems to be a bit lazy as well when it comes to blocking. The only thing he could do successfully was set." Lilith told me what she observed. It was time to go now. I quickly run up to Kenma with all my stuff and lightly tug on his sleeve. "Can you walk with me again? The only other person I know will only tease me about my fear. You are the only one who knows." I ask, once again ashamed. "Sure. This time stay beside me so I can make sure you don't trip." We began walking to my house. The five minutes past quickly and before I knew it, I was already home. "Thank you for walking me and I am sorry for any trouble I caused." I apologized. "It was no problem. Seriously. Good night. See you tomorrow." And with that, he began walking away. I quickly ran inside and to my room. I stared up at the ceiling, my mind only on Kenma.

I am so sorry for not uploading😭 please forgive me. I have been caught up in stuff and been working on my shared story 'two exchange students" with my best friend, dream596 and hanging out with my brother. I really hope this is good

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