A New Case

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AN- New chapter. Decided to whip somethin up.

Nick, Judy, and Smantha loaded up in the foxs car, the trunk full of their bags and other things Sammy would need as she stayed a few days in Zootopia.

Gideon said it was fine for her to take off till Wednesday. She had worked hard for the past three years and deserved a break. However, after the two had began their romantic relationship, Gideon found it hard to say goodbye, even if it were only for a few days.

"Gideon, I promise to call you every night," Samantha chuckled.

"Alright," The fox said," Just dont let that city life get to ya."

Samantha chuckled as she kissed the fox on the cheek and signaled for Nicl to carry on down the road.

"Is your apartment going to be big enough for the three of us?" Samantha asked, oblivious to the fact that 1. He and Judy didnt live together and 2. Nicl doesnt live in his apartment anymore. Actually, Judy occupied it more these days. It's way bigger than her apartment, and she can get some quiet time, however, the bunny really was enjoying those few nights where she stayed at the house with her fox.

"Trust me, we have it all figured out," Nicl said, a light smile on his face.

"What has Finnick been up to?" Samantha asked," You two are still Buddy-Buddy aren't ya?"

"Of course," Nick chuckled," Not long after o joined the academy, Finnick also gave up the life of crime. He got a construction job in Northern Zootopia."

"That's great. For both of you. To just turn your lives around. I know mom would have been proud."

The fox smiled and continued down the old highway toward Zootopia.
The car pulled into the driveway of the old house he, Judy, finnick, and a couple of their colleges fixed up, and Nicl looked in the rearview mirror to see Samantha's face become bright," Nick?"

"Welcome home, Sammy," the fox said with a smile.

The vixen felt a tear roll down her face as she got out of the car and walked to the door.

"You're right," Judy said as she and Nicled walked to Samantha," The three of us wouldnt fit in the apartment. That's why Nicl has been living here."

The three then entered the house and Samantha felt the memories flood over her, but they weren't the bad memories. Only the good one. The little moments the vixen kept with her. She felt as though she relived them all in a span of three minutes," Nick...thank you so much." The vixen then held her brother.

"That's what family is for," Nick responded, holding his sister tightly.
Nick got a couple of beers out of the fridge and walked to the kitchen table where Smantha was currently sitting. Judy had to make a run to her apartment, planning to stay over tonight.

"Cold one?" Nick asked his sister with a sly grin," I mean, it's been a while, I didnt know if you took it up or not."

"I have been living with a bunch of rednecks for the past three years," Samantha chuckled," And now I am dating one of them. Of course I took up the habit."

The two opened their bottles, gave a quick cheers and enjoyed the beverage as they sat together at the table," So, your bunny is staying tonight. Are these walls soundproof?"

"Samantha!" Nicl said, shocked.

"Nicl, you're and adult. You don't have to hide that from me."

"Well, you would be surprised to know that me and Judy have not done that yet," Nicl said with a smile," Me and her are taking our time. Ypu know, taking it slow."

"For yoursake," Smantha said under her breath, but Nick heard it clear as day.

"What do you mean?"

"Nicl, my dear brother, Judy is a rabbit. She does not want to take it slow. I mean, I'm not saying Judy is horned up like a bitch in heat wanting you to bang her like a screen door, but she doesnt want to wait too long. Do you have any idea about how bunnies are, sex wise?"

The Nick raised a brow," Not really."

"Well, I have been living around th, and I'm going to tell you this right now, the only reason you two have not had intercourse yet is because Judy doesnt want to scare you. Hell, she is probably torturing herself because of it."

"What do you mean?'

"You two have been going our for two months now right?"

Nick nodded his head.

"Well, bunnies go into a sort of heat once a month. For a week straight they will have a STRONG urge to mate to the point where their skin will start to burn. Bunnies are really bad about it, because the old saying 'fuck like rabbits' is an old saying for a reason, because when a rabbit mates....it gets a little rough."

Nick's eyes were wide as he listened to his sister explain this to him," So, your guessing me and Judy havent done it because....she doesnt want to scare me?"

"Or maybe she is afraid of you not being ready," Samantha said.

Nicl nodded his jead," True, this is advise I never thought I would want from my SISTER, but it's good advise nonetheless."

Samantha chuckled," Now. Again. Are these walls soundproof?"
Nick and Judy were sleeping soundly together that night in each others arms, both having peaceful dreams of eachother.

However, this peaceful moment was ruined by Nick's phone going off loudly. The fox was quick to pick up the reciever," Hello?"

"Wilde," Bogos voice said," Is Hopps with ypu?"

"Yessir," Nick yawned," What's up?"

"I'd say we have a pretty big problem," Nick heard the buffalo say," You and Hopps need to get to the ZPD now. I am getting all of my units out here."

"We'll be right there, boss," Nick said, ending the call," Carrots, wake up," Nick said, sitting up from the bed," We need to get to the ZPD."

"What happened?" Judy asked.

"I dont know," Nicl explained," But from the sound of Bogos voice, it isnt good."

The two got dressed in their uniforms and headed for the ZPD.

Once arriving, the two entered the bullpen where all the officers in the precinct were not sitting. Some looked tired, some looked bored, and other looked luke they just wanted to go home. However, they have a duty to the city so being here right now was worth it.

Bogo then entered the rooms and said," I am sorry to disturb you all, but there is a matter we must adress this morning. As of last night, there have been three terrorist attacks in Zootopia. One in Central Savanna, one in the eastern region of Tundratown, and another in Western Zootopia. We do not know who is plotting these attacks, but they need to be found. The mayor has intrusted our precinct for the job. All of you need to be vigilant, and careful. Any of you who need to clock put may, others, please stay here."

The fox and Bunny looked to eachother with a worried look as their minds began thinknig of all the possible outcomes to this case.

"I should call Sammy," Nick said," Tell her to be careful until I can get someone to take her back to BunnyBurrow."

Judy nodded her head," I'll go to the cubicle and read up on these attacks."

The couple then left in two different directions. Judy getting info, Nick protecting Smantha. What neither of them knew was that this was going to turn into the biggest case of their whole career.

AN- So, there it is. I hope you guys are satisfied. No? Oh well. Anyway, hoping through some things right now, so I'm not able to upload as much as I would like. I apologize on advance. Anyway, till next time.....

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