Meeting Stu Hopps

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AN- Ok, this chapter isnt one of my best works. Didnt really have much to go on., but I hope you like it.

"Are you ready yet?" Judy called from Nick's living room. The fox had woke up later than intended so was trying to hurry for the trip to BunnyBurrow," I wanna get there by dinner. Mom is making Potato Soup, and you havent lived till you try it."

"I'll be about ten minutes, Carrots," the fox called back.

Judy then grinned as she said," She is also making a blueberry pie."

"Make that 30 seconds," The fox yelled, and Judy heard alot of noice then silence as the fox walked out of his room with a bag," Come one, Carrots. What's the hold up?" Nick said, running to the door.

Judy shook her head with a smile," Dumb fox."
"Ok, what's green and has wheels on it?" Nick asked the bunny with a grin.

"A car," Judy answered, humoring the fox 0n what was now his 40th joke. She kept track of it.

"Nope. Grad. I lied about the wheels," Nicl said laughing," You looked so pleased with your answer."

"Shut up," Judy laughed.

"So, how much further?" Nick asked.

"Maybe an hour if we have no emergency stops," Judy responded.

Nick nodded his head," You know, I am pretty excited about meeting your family. They seem really cool about me being a fox."

"Well, they weren't always that way, but after all that happened with the missing mammals case, they had a large change of heart."

"Of course you would be the mammal to do it," Nick said, kissing Judy on the cheek.

"Ok, we will he there soon," Judy turning onto another highway would would take them straight into BunnyBurrow.
"Shes here," Bonnie called to her husband as she saw Judy's car pull into the yard.

Stu nodded his head and said," Ypu ready to do this?"

Bonnie gave a sigh and said," No, but it's what has to be done."

The two bunnies then exited the house and saw Judy and Nick exit the car," Mom, Dad!" Judy said in joy as she hugged the parent," This is Nick. My police partner, my best friend, and my boyfriend."

"Nice to finally meet you," Stu said, shaking Nick's hand, but Nick noticed a bit of...force behind the shake.

"You two must be starving," Bonnie said," I have dinner ready in the kitchen, you two just go in there and help yourselves."

"Thanks, mom," Judy said as she and Nick grabbed their bags and headed for the house.

" Dont think I didnt see that," Bonnie said," Though Samantha's story raised a few flag on his past, this fox has seemed to change from those ways. Dont let his past cloud your judgment on him."

Stu sighed," Bonnie, it's not that. Its just... I cant stop thinking of how tomorrow may go when Nick and Samantha see eachother."

"Its has nothing to do with us. Its them. Those two have to work it out together. Not with me, you, or Judy."

Stu nodded his head," Let's get inside. I wanna know more about this Nick fellow."

The two bunnies then entered the house and saw Nick and Judy sitting at the table eating.

"Ok, Nicl," Stu said, sitting down at the table," Sense you are but a stranger in my home right now, I want to know a little bit about ypu."

"Well," Nicl started," I am a cop with the ZPD, I work alongside your wonderful daughter. I live in Zpptopia, have lived there my whole life. I am 35. I have an apartment not far from Judy."

"Yes, Nick," Stu started," Ypu see, these are things we could already assume about you pr we already know. I want to know some things that we wouldnt know. Let's start with your family life."

"Dad, maybe now isnt a good time," Judy started.

"No, carrots. Hes right," Nick said," Sir, my dad died when I was five. My mom died when I was 32. And my sister...I dont know where she is. I have mostly been on my own for a long time."

"Well, what did you do in that time?" Sti asked.

Nick sighed. He couldn't lie to this rabbit, no matter how badly he wanted to," Sir, I didnt always live an honest life. For alot of years...I was a hustler. That actually how me and Judy met, it's a long story. Anyway, after we met and I helped her on a case, I truly felt that I could better myself the way mom wanted me to. When she died, me and her were on bad terms, and I said some things I regret to this day. I just wanted to be the mammal she knew I could be, and Jidy helped me become that mammal."

"That's our daughter for ya," Bpnnie said with a smile," Stu, I think that's enough for tonight. I am tired."

"Ok, Bon," Stu said, getting up," Nick, if you could be up by nine, I need you to make a delivery run for my at Gideon Greys bakery. It's not far from here."

"I could show him the way," Judy suggested.

"Sorry, Judy," Stu said," Nick has to go alone."

"May I asl why?" Nick asked," I'm not gonna be murdered am i?"

"I guess we will see," Stu chuckled," Goodnight."

"How does sleep sound for ypu?" Judy asked.

"Sure," Nicl said," That couch is looking hella comfy right now."

Judy nodded her head," Dont worry, dear. Give it a little more time and maybe we will be sleeping in the same bed soon."

"Can I get a sweet kiss?" Nick asked.

Judy chuckled as she leaned closer and said," Something like this?"

The bunny then put her lips to the foxs and kissed him softly, twirling her fingers behind the ear as she did so.

When she separated, Nick said," Exactly like that. I love you, Carrots."

"I love you too, My foxy fox. I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Nick said as the two separated. Judy going to her old room, and Nick making his way to the couch, dreaming about his bunny as he slept.

AN- I hope ot was alright. Ypu all know what comes in the next chapter, so I hope your ready. Till then...

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