The festival

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AN- I know it's short, but you guys were desperate for a new chapter so I whipped this up. Hope you like it.

"Nick, you have got to try one of the caramel apples. I swear to you, Miss Maggy never disappoints," Judy said, bringing her fox to one of the many venues.

"Carrots, you dont have to DRAG me," Nick laughed.

Everyone was having a good time at the Carrot Festival, and everything was going perfect. Samantha and Gideon were having fun on their date, Nick and Judy were having a bet on who would kiss who first.

"I still think you should have put Baby in with the show cars," the bunny said with a smile," Show all these mammals my amazing work."

"Carrots, darling, if nothing else, I am extraordinarily humble."

The bunny just shrugged it with a smile," So, Samantha will be joining us to Zootopia?"

"Indeed," Nick said," Cant wait to surprise her with the house."

"I'll bet she will be happy with it."
"...and Nick laughed so hard, he started snorting, and it was the funniest thing I had ever heard," Samantha laughed with Gideon. The two were taking turns swapping hilarious stories.

"You two really had some good times together," Gideon chuckled," Me and my brother were always rivals. Went as far as competing againt eachother in a science fair once. Our parents thought it was just a competition, but really, it was WAR."

Samantha raised a brow," I didnt know you had a brother."

Gideon chuckled at the realization and said," Yeah...I dont really talk about him much.

"Are you two closer now that you're adults?"

Gideon sighed and answered," I wish we were. The truth is....I dont know where he is. He left town about ten years ago and we lost touch. I wish we could grow a brotherly bond, you know? Find things from our past. But..I dont know where he is."

Samantha felt so bad for the fox. Now she understood how Nick felt after she left Zootopia," Gideon, I'm sure with a little bit of searching, you can find him and fox that bond."

"I dont even know if he cares I'm alive to be honest. I'm sorry, I should have brought this up."

"Its ok," Samantha said, hugging the fox," I'm glad you told me."

The vixen then kissed the fox and the cheek and said," Just know I'm always here for you."
"THAT COUNTS!" Judy yelled in joy, punching Nick on the arm," She kissed him first. That'll be ten bucks in my pocket."

"How does that count?" Nick asked, outraged," She kissed him on the cheek?"

"Hey now, hustler," Judy said," The rules didnt say where, the rules was WHO. So pay up."

Nick said and handed the bunny a ten dollar bill," I'm rubbing off on you too much."

"Its called a hustle, sweetheart," Judy smiled, kissing the fox on the nose," You know you love me."

"Yes I do," Nick said," And I will love you for the rest if my life."

AN- It was pretty good for a short af chapter. Also, more plot for the story with Gideons brother. What will I make out of this? Let's see and find out. Anyway, till next time.

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