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Persephone POV

     "PERSEPHONE JACKSON! COME TO OLYMPUS AT ONCE!" Zeus boomed as thunder rumbled across the sky. "Geez Perce, what did you do now?" Annabeth asked. "I don't know but I am scared, Zeus never wants to see me." I answered. "You'd better hurry and not keep him waiting." Chiron said. I nodded and vapor traveled to Olympus. I walked up to the desk clerk and said "600th floor please." "There is no 600th floor here kid now scram." he replied. Quickly I uncapped riptide and held it at his throat, "Cut the crap. You heard Zeus call for me and unless you want to be punished personally by the king of the Gods, you will let me pass at once." I said threateningly. He just nodded and let me walk to the elevator. I went in and pressed 600. After about 3 minutes the doors finally opened. I walked out and went straight to the throne room ignoring anyone who tried to slow me down, I was already late and don't need to have Zeus even more mad than he already is. 

     Finally, I made it to the throne room and opened the doors. "You're late Ms. Jackson." Zeus said looking at me angrily. "I am deeply sorry my Lord, I was a little held up at the front desk. Please accept my apology." I said bowing not wanting to upset the king of the Gods any further. Zeus' face softened and he said "Nevermind that child there are more pressing matters at hand. Are you familiar with the Primordials?" he asked as he gestured  to a group of people standing in the corner. "Why of course. Hello my lords and ladies, to what do I owe the honor?" I said as I bowed. "Young Persephone Jackson you do not need to bow to us. If anything, it is us that should bow to you." Lady Chaos said smiling at me with an approving look. "If you don't mind me asking, why is it that you are here?" I asked carefully, not trying to upset the Primordials. "First things first, Gaia here has something to say." she said as she looked to Gaia. "Please forgive me. I am deeply sorry for my behavior. I was a mother scorned because of the loss of her children. For a long period of time I have heard the cries of my children and grandchildren from Tartarus. I wept for many nights until finally something clicked in my mind and I thought that you all should pay. I am deeply and truly sorry." Gaia said with tears in her eyes. "Oh grandmother we are so sorry. I hadn't thought about how you felt when I became king and didn't release them. Please forgive me." Zeus said as he went and hugged her followed by the rest of the Olympian council. 

     "Persephone, the reason why we are here is because the gods have something to tell you and we needed to be here. Now go on and tell her." Lady Chaos said with a stern look on her face. "Persephone, I am not your father. 18 years ago Lady Chaos brought you to us and asked for our help. Her brother Void wanted to kill you because you are the heir to the throne and destined to become Queen of the universe, so she asked us to take care of you until she and her sister Order were able to take their brother down. When you turned 5 years old, they came to us and asked for you. I being the arranged father begged and pleaded to keep you until you were 15 and then we would let you decide who you wanted to go with. But, when you turned 15 we hid your aura and created a fake ghost so when Lady Chaos returned we presented her with that and told her that you died. Today Chaos found out from your father, her brother, Destruction that you were alive. She bursted in with the Primordials and demanded we brought you here or they would fade us where we stand." Poseidon explained.  

*Flashback right before Persephone showed up*

On Olympus

     "POSEIDON!" boomed Chaos as she bursted into the throne room with her children. "MY DAUGHTER IS ALIVE?!?! HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME!" She yelled. "Lady Chaos, however did you find out?" Poseidon asked. "Her REAL father sensed her and told me. You really tried to keep my babygirl from me forever? How could you be so cruel and inconsiderate?" Chaos asked. "My Lady if you would plea..." Zeus said before he was interrupted by an angry mother. "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! Get my daughter here NOW!" Chaos demanded. "Wait please my..." Poseidon pleaded before HE was interrupted. "NOW!" Chaos demanded even louder if it were possible. "PERSEPHONE JACKSON! COME TO OLYMPUS AT ONCE!" Zeus boomed while making thunder rumble to symbolize the importance. "Thank you Zeus. Do not for a second think that I will forget about this Poseidon. If you ever disobey my direct commands again I will end you. Do you understand me?" Chaos asked. "Yes my Lady." Poseidon answered. "The only reason why you are still alive is because Persephone wouldn't want me to destroy you." Chaos said right before the doors opened. "You're late Ms. Jackson." Zeus said angrily.

*Flashback End*


Persephone POV

 "I just didn't want you to choose her over me, I'm so sorry Persephone." Poseidon said looking down in shame. Before I could even come up with words, I just blacked out overwhelmed with all the unexpected news in one day.

Poseidon POV

     After I finished explaining, I looked down ashamed of what I had done. I can't believe I kept a child from her mother and father for my personal reasons. I never once considered how she would feel about all this. I am truly sorry Percy. I looked up just in time to see her black out and fall on the floor. "PERSEPHONE! Oh no please please please be okay. I am sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I didn't think about you or consider your feelings. Please my child be okay. Apollo check and see what's wrong with her." I said as I ran to comfort my daughter. Soon after, Apollo was by my side checking for anything. "She's fine, she's just overwhelmed with all the unexpected news. Her mind is currently racing and trying to process everything that was told to her. Just give her some time to rest, she'll be okay." He said as some minor gods ran in and took her to another room to rest. "Lady Chaos if you would like to stay here until she wakes up, we would be honored to have you." Hera said. "Thank you Hera we will stay. We will return to the throne room when she awakes." Chaos said as she and the Primordials flashed to the guest rooms. "Well meeting adjourned until Persephone wakes up." Zeus said as he threw his lightning bolt on the ground.

     One by one all the gods flashed to their various locations and I flashed to Atlantis. "What is wrong my King?" my wife Amphitrite asked. "Lady Chaos has returned to take Persephone." I answered as I started to cry. She came forward and pulled me into a hug as she flashed us into our bedroom and laid us down on the bed. We laid there for a minute while she let me get my tears out. "Don't worry my love, Persephone will make the right choice." she said. "I'm not so sure." I said and turned over to go to sleep. Oh Percy I am so sorry, ugh what have I done. When will I ever learn? I am so sorry Percy. I laid there and just sobbed myself to sleep.

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