"She's, or at least was, a friend of my mother's, they were friends in school. So she used to visit whenever Endeavor was on some business trip, she usually brought some pie with her. But after what happened with you and Toya and since she was sent to the hospital we couldn't see her anymore. I do try to visit her if I'm not busy," I explained.

"You really do know a lot about my family, even about Toya, it's something my family hides from even me, still don't know what happened," at that, I looked down with a guilty frown, I probably knew more than him, "At least there's another person we can add to the 'I hate Endeavor' club."

I laughed at that and soon we slipped into a somewhat casual conversation. Sadly, not long after, a loud bell rang throughout the school. I quickly scanned the school grounds, just to make sure it's nothing too dangerous. I knew that the teachers probably have it under control but just in case I need to be at the ready.

"Ugh, the press breached the gate," I groaned, it wasn't anything serious, it was actually quite annoying.

"How do you know that?" Todoroki shouted over the bell and the shouting students.

"My quirk," I stated simply, to which he just nodded.

"It's just the press? There's nothing to panic about then," stated Iida, appearing out of nowhere. It probably doesn't seem like something to panic about, but if I were to guess, I'll say a villain helped them out, I doubt reporters would go to such extent as to breach a high-security hero school. They just took their chance when they saw it.

We were now moving through the corridors and I lost both boys. Although a few minutes later I heard Iida's voice booming from somewhere above. He was standing on the exit sign above the door, barely keeping his balance. He yelled, telling everyone to calm down as it's just the press so there's nothing to panic about. Though I knew better, obviously there was something to panic about, there's always something to panic about. For example, in the morning I had to hide as best as I could so no camera could see me, I even put some shoes on and borrowed Izuku's big hoody so I could hide my face in the hood. I had to have him guide me to the door because I had those stupid shoes on, but I couldn't risk it. Of course, I had to lie to my brother afterwards, making an excuse as to why I had to hide from the cameras. I just said I was scared of the cameras and the reporters and I didn't want anybody to ask me why I was barefoot. So yes, there's always something to panic about.

The crowd finally calmed down and moved calmly and quietly as the teachers took care of the press. After that, it was time for afternoon classes.


Izuku stood nervously in front of the class, he was practically shaking from nerves. Yaoyorozu stood unfazed next to him. 

"W-We'd like to choose other student council members but before that," He stuttered but all of a sudden he got more confident, "I believe that Iida is better suited to be class president, you all saw how he led us through the crisis."

"Yeah, Iida really showed his stuff back there," Kirishima chimed in, Everyone cheered and praised Iida, saying how he should be the class president.

"Whatever, just get on with it. Such a waste of time," announced Aizawa. I had to agree with him but it's nice to see, or I guess hear, the class being so friendly with each other, I'm sure Aizawa shared my sentiment. 


After school, I went to the principal about the breach today. I knocked on the office door and walked in. 

"Good afternoon, Reneii," principal Nezu greeted.

"Hello. I came to ask if you know anything about the breach today?"

"Ah, yes. The gates were completely turned to dust, I don't know how any reporter could have done that," he replied thoughtfully.

"No citizen has done that. Tomura Shigararki was walking away from the school after it happened," I explained, "But, once again, he seemed nervous and scared. It might've just been the fear of getting caught by a hero but I still think it runs deeper than that."

"There's a possibility, yes. After all, he has never been seen killing anybody, he hasn't even been spotted injuring people in any major way. He has also been reported to have helped heroes on multiple occasions, nothing major but always something. And you always say he never seemed villainous. It isn't completely out of the question that he was forced to do this, however, we shouldn't jump to a conclusion," Nazu stated.

"Yes, of course. He just got me really curious, I want to help him if he's in fact being forced."

"Just remember, don't blame yourself if something doesn't go well, you're still just a child, don't forget that," he said, concern seeping into his usually care-free, cheerful tone.

"I understand."

"And remember, you're not alone. You might be powerful but there are many people who would help you."

"Yes, yes, I know," I said, waving my hand dismissively. 

"Anyway, I wasn't able to see if anybody else was in the building during the breach. There were too many people around me, overwhelming me, to even focus on something else. However, we can suspect somebody else was there if Shigaraki was there," I started again.

"Your input is important, however, leave this to the pro-heroes, you focus on your studies," Nezu said, the concern not present in his voice anymore.

"Yeah, I'll leave this to the heroes," I said as I was moving out of the room, but we both knew that I won't leave this matter. I will be involved no matter what. 

(1630 words)

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