Sorry... Not Really...

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Itz Just M3

My name on so many levels, with so many meanings,and in so many places.But also in a sad subconscious way, an apology.Kinna like...

Sorry I'm weird,Itzjustm3

Sorry I'm sensitive,Itzjustm3

Sorry I'm different,Itzjustm3

Sorry I'm not perfect,ITZJUSTM3!

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry...Fuck a sorry, I'm done!Done apologizing for who I am!This is me!

Love me or leave me, please believe I'll continue to stand!Uncensored, Unscripted, and damn sure Unapologetic!

Words 100 proof from the heart and soul,Take it straight, no chaser.Destroying your pitiful preconceived notions,Slicing through misconceptions with the ease of a razor.

The walls have fallen down and I'm too tired to rebuild,so I'ma let these words flow.Fuck what you thought you knew,Read what and who you're about to get to know.

Embrace it or Reject it,No longer makes a difference to my heart.At the end of the day if no one else then I alone will appreciate my art.And you know what?It's not the greatest but it is one hell of a start.

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