"I was going to begin a new chapter today, but since our evaluation will be next class, I've decided to leave this time to answer some of your questions. I'll be at my desk. And at least try to hide the potions book, I have feelings too" he said narrowing his eyes in a playful way

Lupin felt release while observing most students smiled and laugh a bit. They were all nervous and there was simply no possible way anyone could attempt teaching a subject before Snape's tests. No one would pay attention. This was by far the best solution he could come up with. He was even impressed some students actually went to his desk to ask about his subject. Miss Granger was one of them, of course. She would never miss the opportunity to ask anything.

Harry also asked a couple of questions he had written on his notebook on previous classes. It was always nice to help him. And Lupin was particularly proud of him now that he was learning how to perform the Patronus charm.

When the class was over, he glanced at the vessel printed on the cover of the potions book and had an internal panic attack for two seconds. He didn't get the Wolfsbane with Snape today. He was going to do it after breakfast but he was feeling so bad about his shape that the idea of eating wasn't appealing.

The first students of the day were leaving the dungeons and Snape was there, bored to death on his seat just waiting for the other students to enter and start taking their tests. When he rose from his chair, he felt an object weight inside his pocket. He put his hand there instinctively and froze for a second. Shit. This couldn't wait. He was about to say the test would have to wait for ten minutes when he had a glimpse of Lupin walking fast on the corridor.

"I'll be back shortly" Snape said casting a spell while pointing his wand up

The students were trying to take a look at the test sheets but now they had nothing written on them anymore.

Remus and Severus looked at each other in a mixture of "sorry, my bad" and "how did we let this happen?". Snape closed the door behind him and looked around. Meanwhile, Remus was really nervous to have Snape there, he was convinced his appearance was bad and the last thing he wanted was to be seen by the other.

The Slytherin handled him the potion and Lupin looked around once again to see if anyone was there. After that, he drank it all at once, making a face in the end. The taste wasn't exactly pleasant.

"Oh how could I have forgotten to add the chocolate essence to it?" Snape teased in a low voice

Lupin smiled and laughed for a brief moment, giving the vessel back at him.

"Now go, you have an entire class to terrorize" Remus whispered

"And to think it's only ten o'clock, I am right on schedule" Snape teased further

Lupin observed Snape wait about five seconds to enter the classroom, he changed his expression into a mask of apathy and opened the door again.

Later that day, Snape was finishing his lunch in a painfully slow pace, overly aware of the sounds coming from the door behind him. Lupin didn't show up. Again. This could be ok on many occasions, but certainly not a few days before the full moon.

Snape took a long deep breath. Remus could be hiding something from him again. It irritated him to think of it this way, but he remembered not to make it worse by being rude. So he got a few things from the lunch table. As he did so, he noticed Dumbledore had his eyes on him. Snape blushed a bit, his body heat seemed to be betraying him. Dumbledore smiled on the corner of his mouth and glanced at the pudding that was served in front of Severus.

"Curse you"

Snape thought to himself. That was Lupin's favorite dessert. He couldn't just and simply not take it with him.

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