chapter 46 ; sickness

Start from the beginning

As Daryl munched happily on his food, Ellie couldn't help but stare intensely at each minor detail pertaining his face. The small creases decorating the ridges of his eyes; the cherry lips she once adored to touch; overwhelmed in the tide of his ocean eyes, as always, encapsulated in their beauty. How could someone so perfect have torn the very foundations of his happiness? How could someone so brave have been so weak?

"Hey, Mr Dixon!" a young voice called out cheerfully, tearing Ellie from her thoughts. She allowed a slight smile to curl at the corners of her lips as she observed Daryl's unfamiliarity with clout.

"Just so you know, I liked you first," Carol teased, winking playfully at both Daryl and Ellie as a dazzling smile rode across her lips.

Every fibre in Ellie's body remained still as she stared intently at Carol, surveying her glowing face for just a hint of the bitterness she had once displayed. It had been no avail as Carol remained as cheery and silver as always, flashing Daryl a toothy grin as he released a huff of a laugh. Finally, Ellie nodded along with the woman, feigning a smile on her peach lips as she turned to face Daryl, her grin intensifying as his eyes landed upon her. And only her.

"People are starting to notice how important you are around here," Ellie noted, her eyes lingering over Daryl's as he found himself lost in the lyrics of her tongue.

Daryl nodded slowly, his lips curving into a sincere smile as he softly grunted, "Only 'cause you helped make this place the way it is."

Carol's eyes squinted as she stared between the two, virtually feeling the intense heat burning between them as they found themselves lost within themselves. She took it upon herself to leave, unable to bear a moment that Daryl hadn't been looking at her. Daryl and Ellie remained encapsulated in a small bubble, merely standing with one another in the summer haze as they smiled warmly at one another. A moment that reminded Daryl that he would be okay. Acceptance.

"Mr Dixon?" a youthful, male voice interrupted the moment, drawing their attention down to reveal Patrick, a teenage boy that had joined the prison after Woodbury, "I just wanted to thank you for bringing this deer in yesterday. It was a real treat. I'd be honoured to shake your hand."

Ellie's lips involuntarily curled into a tight, toothy grin as Daryl's awkward eyes averted their gaze from Patrick, awkwardly shuffling from foot to foot at the validation. Ellie bit her bottom lip, observing as Daryl licked at his fingers slowly to rid them of the thick layer of the meat. He shook the boy's hand as a smirk toyed at the edges of his lips at his own informality.

"How are you liking the paradise that is the prison?" Ellie sarcastically inquired, raising her eyebrows as she stared down at the anxious teenager.

Patrick laughed gently, breathing out as he prepared his answer of, "It's better than the alternative, thanks, Mrs Dixon."

Daryl instantly paused with his eating mid-chew, his eyes widening awkwardly as they avoided Ellie's entirely. Ellie simply smiled, shaking her head slowly as she ensured to remain calm, as it hadn't been Patrick's fault for mistaking Ellie for Daryl's wife. They had been close, an evident fact to everyone at the prison, yet, neither had quite discussed the status of their failing relationship. Daryl cleared his throat awkwardly, before instantly slinking away from embarrassment, approaching his daughter with eagerness as she squealed at his arrival.

"Did–did I say something wrong?" Patrick questioned, his voice quiet and low as he feared he had offended Daryl.

Ellie scoffed, her eyes slowly shutting as she felt herself becoming heated with embarrassment at Daryl's lack of social cues, "I'm not married to that guy. He's not exactly marriage material, is he?"

THE LOVELY BONES, daryl dixonWhere stories live. Discover now