Chapter 1: Static

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A/N: Welcome to my new interest, followers! Don't hurt me XD and enjoy the book!

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The Hazbin Hotel had been opened for around 5 months now. With two demons successfully reformed and sent fo heaven, the staff was feeling pretty good.

Charlie as the owner, Vaggie working the desk, Husk as the bartender, Niffty as room service, Alastor as manager and Angel as a long term patient/kind of helping but not really; things ran smoothly and accordingly to plan.

Well, as smoothly as demons could run a "reforming" hotel. The demons didn't always get along, but it didn't mean they didn't care about each other.

Angel Dust found himself bored once more. Going clean for 5 months (or as clean as he could get) was killing him. He longed for trouble, for the satisfaction of someone's screams of terror.

The thought brought a chuckle to him, a smug smile on his face. Angel was a good person deep down, very deep(Like he likes it~) but who could blame him? Demons were in hell for a purpose.

The spider gave a long, obnoxious sigh. With a grunt he got up and dragged himself downstairs to the lobby.

In the lobby, Niffty was dusting EVERYTHING off, including Alastor who sat on the couch reading a newspaper.

The deer demon turned his head 180 and gave his iconic grin.

"Welcome, Angel Dust! What brings you downstairs after closing hours, my fellow male?"

Angel gave a smirk and scoff. "I'm more gender fluid, thank you! And I'm allowed to be bored, okay? Satan, get outa my ass!" The demon continued go drag his ass around.

A wave of faint static trailed behind him, Alastor's glare following the spider demon.

Angel found himself in the bar, head down on the table before him. Husk groaned at him as he dried a glass cup.

"Dude, don't get your fuzz all over it, I just wiped it down!" The cat shouted.

Angel smirked and jumped up, lying down on the bar.

"What, am I botherin' ya kitty?~"

Husk shoved Angel Dust off the counter and onto the floor.

"Ow! Damnit, Husk!" He shouted, rubbing his head. Husk gave a tipsy chuckle.

"Go fuck ya' self!" Angel spat, getting up and dusting himself off. With a 'hmph' he left the room with a groan.

As he roamed the halls of the hotel, his head began to buzz with what felt like static. He only shook it off and found himself in his room, where he started.

Once the door was closed, he fell into his bed and let our a long, annoyed, obnoxious groan.

The spider turned to see his pig in the corner, oinking in a wary way.

Angel cocked his head. "What is with everyone today? First Al gets pissy, then Husk's a lil' bitch, now you?"

He began to walk over to his Fat Nuggets when the pig squealed in horror.

"Huh-OW!!" Angel fell to the ground in pain. He held his head, the sound of static and a high pitched siren-like noises filling it.

He turned to face a wide-eyed, big grinning radio demon.

Alastor held the microphone to Angel's neck, the spider panting from pain and fear.

"If you ever say such vile, and sickening words to me again," Alastor started, saying all of this between his toothy grin. "I will personally make your world worse than it has to be, got it you perverted homosexual SLOB!?"

Angel nodded quickly, shaking and sweating heavily.

Alastor smirked and the ringing and static stopped.

Angel panted again, staring up at Alastor as he left the room.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Angel rubbed his head in pain, lying face-first against the bed on the floor. He turned to his pig.

"I just told him to leave me alone, what's his deal?"

The pig gave a cute oink and waddled around. Angel sighed, running one of his hands through his white hair.

"Dear Satan.." he looked at the time. The clock read 9:34.

"Got nothing to do tonight.." with that, he crawled into his bed, stripping off his little suit.

He buried himself in his soft, fluffy sheets. Soon drifting off to sleep.

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A/N: Lol, not my best writing but I had to introduce how much they hate each other in some way, or the story wouldn't make sense! Anyway, that was a short first chapter. Hope yall enjoyed.

~ScrewyxMothy out!

Not Like the Picture Shows (Hazbin Hotel) -Radiodust-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt