Chapter 1

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Harry- I decided this year, my sixth year to say fuck it now that we are allowed to wear our own clothing at all times. I decided to grow my hair out to my waist with a help of potions and dyed it blonde with a help of a hair dress friend that I know in the muggle world but she is a witch a pureblood as well. I decided to also wear the clothing that I actually like which is girl clothing, always been uncomfortable in girl clothing yet I still think of myself a the gender I am born as, a male. I decided it would be better to go slow with what I like to wear so decided on some black skinny Jean, a white blouse with some flowers on at the shoulders and back and some trainers which are a light blue with white thunder design on. I also while go a familiar her is Widow like black widow from the comic books I have secretly read and hidden from my family it was either widow of Deadpool but decided on the Widow one is better, oh and I also got my eyes fixed. I go onto the train looking for my friends, I luckily found them but as I got near I heard me name making me stop.

Ron- "I can't believe we still have to be friends with Potter, why can't we just take his money, popularity and everything now then kill him like Dumbledore planned to happen"

Hermione- "remember we are already taking his money but slowly and alot of it at that with Dumbledore's help already, plus you heard Dumbledore he has plans for Harry"

Ginny- "yeah and I have to unfortunately marry harry, have his children or child then boom he's dead then we can have everything he owns and much more, plus remember our house the burrow is owned by him, we won't have to be on a land illegally anymore, it will be ours, plus once we have his heirships, lordships, his money and everything, we can all have anything in the world"

Ron- "yeah it's just I wish to not be friend with the idiot anymore, he's putting us in danger and how many times have we nearly got killed by him especially Ginny here"

Hermione- "remember Dumbledore, did all the task except for what happened in third year the rest is all Dumbledore's doing but he is helping us"

Ginny- "she is not wrong there but for now we have to focus on the plans, plus where is the boy anyway"

Ron- "who cares, we might have a decent train ride for once"

Harry- I turn sniffing as tears run down my faces. I walk off with Widow following me and before I know it I bump into someone falling over. I look up seeing it was Parkinson and Greengrass before looking down wiping my tears away.

Pansy- I notice the girl is crying "come on sweetheart, follow us"

Harry- I look up at them "but you hate me"

Pansy- "how do we hate you?"

Harry- I push my hair aside showing my scar "because of what I have done to you over the years and for who I am"

Pansy- my eyes widen before I smile softly at the upset boy "oh Potter, you did nothing to us it was all the Weasley boy, remember all the times you save anyone of us or stopped Weaslye or his little sister from doing anything horrible to us or stopping a fight but you never did anything to us except for denying the hand shake"

Harry- "can you blame me, Ron was my first friend ever, my whole life I was bullied and beaten. I had no one to speak or look up too, I didn't even know that I could do magic I just thought weird random things were happening to me and I was accused as the devil child a freak and I believed them, when I came here it was a day after I found out I was a wizard, that magic actually existed and that I was the devil child but a normal boy and there were people just like me"

Pansy- I put my hand out "come on Potter come with us"

Harry- I smile softly but still feel tears rolling down because of my supposed friend betraying words. I take her hand and follow the two down tow more corridors to the end of the train.




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