Peter just looked down at his food once more, Ned's advice bouncing around in his head.


Tony looked at the screen in front of him with a clenched jaw.

Fury was right. Hydra was openly taunting S.H.I.E.L.D. Where they'd been secretive before, it almost seemed like they didn't care if they got caught anymore. Prisoners were escaping from their bases, soldiers killed in broad daylight leaving witnesses, spies were found almost daily.

If Tony didn't know that Hydra was a very smart evil operation, he'd just think that Hydra was losing its touch. But since Tony did know that Hydra was a very smart and evil operation, he also knew that this was a play.

A brilliant, evil, intelligent, horrible play.

Hydra was making the government lose faith in S.H.I.E.L.D every single time another plot was discovered. Each time another facet of Hydra gets outed, the government looks to S.H.I.E.L.D operatives to deal with the problem.

But the number of operatives that aren't currently deep undercover or indisposed was very small. For a superior spy organization, S.H.I.E.L.D sure was running low on manpower. After analyzing the information Fury had given to him, Hydra's plan was obvious.

They wanted Fury to be fired.

No wonder he was being such a dick lately. The supervisors were breathing down his super-spy neck. If Fury was fired the next director would likely be someone that would benefit Hydra. Whoever it was wouldn't necessarily be a spy but it was always possible. Especially because everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D was a spy.

Tony just didn't know what he was supposed to do about it.

He supposed that he could get the Avengers to help out with it, but even with their help it would still be too many problems to fix. The simple solution would be to hire more people however S.H.I.E.L.D's requirements were very hard to meet. Tony was pretty sure that everyone who could be hired was already employed there.

"Fucking Hydra." Tony cursed, a small headache beginning to form behind his eye.

"Boss." FRIDAY cut in, breaking the otherwise stifling silence of Tony's office. "Mrs. Boss is requesting your presence in the kitchen."

Grateful for the distraction, Tony stood and briskly walked to the kitchen. Tony smiled at the sight of his very beautiful wife leaning against the table. "Hello love." Tony said, pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Hey Tones," she said with a grin. "Just wanted to make sure you were still alive. You've been in your office for a while."

"Yes, believe it or not I was actually working." Tony said cheekily. Pepper let out a dramatic gasp.

"Tony Stark? Working? Impossible!" she said with a laugh.

"I know, I know!" Tony chuckled. "I remember now why I never do it. This is kicking my ass!"

"What are you working on?" she asked. "I don't remember giving you any new projects from S.I." Tony just sighed and sat down at the table.

"Fury gave me an assignment," Tony said glumly. "Looks like Hydra is still being an ass." Pepper frowned, sitting down next to Tony.

"What's wrong?" she asked. Tony sighed again and looked at her with a frown.

"I think they're trying to get rid of the 'ol pirate." Tony admitted. "I'm not sure how to fix it yet but thinking is giving me a migraine."

"Maybe you need to take a break." Pepper suggested. "Clear your head for a while and look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow."

Now it was Tony's turn to fake a surprised gasp. "Doth mine ear deceive me?" he cried. "Is Pepper Potts telling me to blow off work?"

Pepper chuckled. "I'm telling you to take me on a date." she said. "Would that be agreeable, Mr. Stark?"

Tony grinned.

"Nothing would give me more pleasure, Miss. Potts."


"Are you going to be okay on your own, Peter?" Tony asked for what Peter was sure what the hundredth time. Peter fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"I'm sure, Tony." Peter said. "Seriously. I'm almost sixteen. I think I can handle being home alone for a few hours."

Tony just raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Cause I'm sure Steve wouldn't mind staying with you---"

"Oh my gosh just go on your date already!" Peter cried. "Seriously! I'm fine! I'll probably just... I don't know... eat junk food and watch a movie or something. Normal teenage things."

Tony looked at him for a few more seconds before nodding. "Okay. You're right. Okay." he said, and Peter wasn't sure who he was trying to convince. "Pepper and I should be back around ten. Don't stay up too late. You have both our numbers, right?"

"Of course I do." Peter said, holding his phone up as if to prove his point. "You programmed them yourself."

"And you won't hesitate to call if you need anything will you?" Tony asked. Peter nodded. Tony eyed him for another second. "Seriously Peter. Anything. Don't worry about bothering us or anything. You need something you call us. Got it?"

"Tony, seriously, relax. Your helicopter-ing again." Peter said. Tony blinked at him before he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry Pete," he said. "I'm just worried, is all." Peter instantly felt bad and let out a sigh.

"It's okay. I promise you I will call you if I need anything." Peter said. "Go have fun on your date."

Tony smiled and opened his arms for a hug. Peter hugged Tony quickly, his Old Spice cologne shocking his senses for a second before he pulled away. "Okay kiddo," Tony said. "Be responsible."

"Psh! Me? I'm always responsible." Peter said. Tony just let out a derisive snort and started to walk away. Peter almost felt offended at Tony's clear dismissal of that statement.

"Good night Peter!" Tony called. "Don't stay up too late!"

"Good night!" Peter yelled back. He then waited until he heard the door click shut. Peter then shuffled into the main hall to see that Tony and Pepper had in fact left for their date.

A devious grin slowly spread across Peter's face.

He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed Ned's number. He picked up after the second ring and before he had the chance to say a greeting, Peter said, "Hey Ned! You up for being my Guy In the Chair tonight?"

"Absolutely!" Ned cried on the other end. "Oh this is going to be so much fun!"

Peter grinned and quickly changed into his suit. Just as he opened the window to his bedroom FRIDAY called out to him. "Are you sure this is a good idea, young sir?" she asked. "I'm not sure Boss would be happy with this."

"Did he specifically say I couldn't?" Peter asked.

"No, young sir."

"Then it's fine." Peter said. "I'll be back before they even know I'm gone."

FRIDAY remained silent and Peter, now confident that FRIDAY wouldn't rat him out, quickly jumped out of the window. He let out a whoop of joy as the wind rushed past his face.

God, he missed this.

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