Noah Centineo (Injured)

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''That's a really bad gash, Y/n. How did you manage to get that?'' Noah asked as he analyzed the gash you had on your left temple.
"I-I just fell but I don't remember how. All that I know now is that my head is aching so bad.'' You cried out but immediately tried to hold back your tears when you noticed that it was only going to make the pain get worse.
"That's okay, love. Just try to calm down while I finish taking care of this, okay?'' Noah said and you whispered a weak ''okay'' to him.
"The painkillers I gave you will soon start to ease your pain.'' '
"Does it hurt?'' You asked looking at the needle on the tray beside him. 'Iwish I could tell you it doesn't but it does a little, babe. But you don't have to worry. I'm here to make this the least painful possible for you.'' He said stopping what he was doing to stroke your hair. ''I don't wanna have a scar. It's gonna be ugly.'' You whined quietly, making Noah put himself between your legs and cup your face with his right hand while he pressed the gaze on the gash with the left one. ''Nothing in this shitty world could ever make you look ugly, Y/n. You're the prettiest thing I've ever laid my eyes on.'' Noah softly said, making you sigh and rest your cheek on his hand. ''But if you're worried about that scar, I promise you I'll do my best to not leave a ugly scar, okay?'' ''Okay.'' You sniffed placing a kiss o his gloved hand. ''I love you, Noah Centineo"

''I love you too, sweet thing. Now just lay down while I are taking care of you.'' He pressed another kiss on your forehead as you laid on your back on the stretcher, maintaining your eyes on Noah to keep you calm while he patches you up.

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