Romantic soulmates

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I dont know how to finish off the shield fic so I'm taking a break from that here's something new
Part 2 will be platonic soulmates

When a child turns 11 they are given two symbols on their wrists one glowed red and was a symbol of a romantic partner the other glowed blue representing a platonic soulmate. They are able to communicate with soulmates through writing below the marks  on their forearms, the bond won't allow personal information to be given but the closer you are to your soulmate the more it glows and when you find them it goes out leaving the colored symbol. When a soulmate dies the symbol turns black and burns off, it's painful and come with soul crushing grief .

On Tony's 11th birthday he woke up to two black soul marks. Staring at his marks tears ran down his face tears of confusion and fear, did this mean his soulmates were dead he didn't even get to meet them yet
"Good morning young s-" "tony what's wrong" Jarvis put down the tray he was carrying kneeling down to Tony's bed
"Their black, their dead" tony cried
"Do you know what happened when a soulmate dies"
"The marks turn black dont they" looking up at Jarvis with watery eyes
"Yes very good but they also burn off" Jarvis took hold of Tony's wrists "and if we look at your we can see they are still there and that means you soul mate isn't of age yet"
"What does that mean"
"Their not 11 yet tony"
"Oh- so their ok my soulmates are ok" big hopeful eyes looking toward Jarvis
"Yes young sir they are perfectly fine" Jarvis took out a handkerchief to wipe Tony's tears "time to get up it's your birthday and a very important one at that, tonight aunt Peggy and Ana will be coming over to celebrate with you"
"Are mom and dad coming home"
Jarvis sighed "I'm afraid not your father had a meeting over seas"
"Oh ok"
Tony spend that day fearful for his soulmates doubt about his soulmates came and went by the end of the night he was held in Peggy arms crying scared his soulmates were never going to come and that he would be lonely forever, absolutely hated it the idea of being alone forever terrified him he couldn't do it he needed his soulmates but for now he had Ana, Peggy, and Jarvis to take care of him.
Two years and 7 months later it happened the black mark on his left wrist turned red and it was beautiful it was a symbol of a beautiful auburn humming bird And to tony it was the most beautiful thing in the universe
When it happened he was taking piano lessons with his mother and he flipped his wrist to see it glowing he reached out to touch it he thought it would feel like something, it didn't, and the next thing he knew the word hello was being written on his wrist with neat element cursive, he bursted into tears
When Maria heard she turned round  "Antony what wrong- oh darning that's wonderful"
"I NEED A PEN- please mom please get me a pen"
The first thing he is then he got that pen was draw heart around the hello his soulmate had written
Then he replied
-thank god I've waited 2 years for this-
-so your 13-
-yes and happy birthday-
-I'm ~~~~~~-
-we can't say names through the link but I'm ~~~~-
He will never for get that day because that's the day he realized he never had to be alone

-today's my first day of middle school school-
-I'm still in elementary my first day is next week-
-last night I built a robot for my dad, it didn't go well-
-what he do this time-
-he hit me-
-yeah he's never hit me before-
-I'm so sorry-
-I made a new friend-
-platonic soulmate?-
-no but that's ok his name is James I call him rhoday-
-that's great, is he good to you-
-yeah he is, most of my friends just use me for money-
-I hope he's different-
-me too. Do you have a platonic soulmate-
-i don I haven't met them but I have a read square thingy (black widows symbol) on my wrist their Russian so we can't communicate well but we've learned from each other how about you-
-mines black-
-I'm so sorry I Can't imagine how that feels-
-no no no their not dead there just not 11 yet-
-how young could they be your almost 17-
-I read once that platonic soulmates could be their children so maybe it's my kid you know-
-yeah could be but then you would have to wait till the kids 11 to find out-
-it's whatever if I don't have one it's ok I have you-
-my parents are dead-
-oh god-
-there was a car accident Jarvis was with them-
-is he ok-
-he's alive I-
-I dont know if I can see him like this-
-it'll be ok I'm so sorry-
-do you know who I am-
-I think I have a idea-
-will you find me-
-are you ready for me I know you have a bit of a playboy thing going on-
-god yes I ready I don't think I can do this alone any more-
-then I'll find you-
Exactly 1 month later a woman with beautiful red hair and a blue dress found him
She stuck out her hand to shake his " I'm pepper potts"
"Holy shit" he disregarded her hand a decided on giving her the most gentle hug fear that she would disappear " I'm tony stark"
She started laughing and pulled back "I know"
From that day on tony knew he wouldn't be alone

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