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Part one

(Little bit of background peters living with the shield because his parents were apart of it but when they died he was sold to hydra for training the same as the winter soldier, but shield rescued him when he was 11 and taught him ever since)
Peter was exhausted working for protection, the avengers, being Spider-Man, and going to high school.
"Mr.parker" Peters head Jerked off the desk griping the it a little too hard with his metal arm denting it a little bit, staring at his teacher "were you sleeping in my class."
Peter looked around, "um sorry, sir, won't happen again."
"I'm sure it won't. Everyone's homework tonight is a 2-page essay on the history of HYDRA and SHIELD due Monday." The bell rang, and peter and ned walked out
"Dude what happened" ned questioned "I dont know the man I had two missions and patrol last night didn't get home till like 6 am" peter explained as they met up with MJ at the school doors
"Sup losers" giving the boys a nod, As they left the school they saw the black SUV  waiting for peter
"Ughhh I can't catch a break can I"peter groans
The window rolls down, "just get in the car Parker" fury scolds.
Peter and Fury drove to Shield headquarters discussing the mission that Peter "agent parker" would be going on. It was a 6-day mission with the avengers to Asgard to find Bruce and Thor.
Peter was in full gear, all black padded Shield suit with the Shield logo and his code name "winter spider."
specially made to keep his powers and arm hidden but useful in battle situations. He was equipped with two guns on each thigh, his metal arm, many knives located all over his body, and widow bites (he designed) on his tool belt with his cuffs, web-shooters, and refills just in case.
Fury and Agent Parker sat at a large round table at headquarters waiting for the Avengers to arrive.
Agent hill arrived leading in the avengers, they all sat down and Fury stood up to explain the mission
"You all will be going to Asgard to find Hulk and Thor, this is a TEAM effort there will be no dispute on who is in charge, if you all had read the case file" giving tony who was rolling his eyes a pointed look
" you would have noticed Agent Parker will be leading the mission he has all the details and is much more responsible than you fools" he looked to peter "agent Parker your up."
"so this mission may be dangerous that why we have called all of you in, there is the question if Asgard is compromised we haven't heard anything from them in 3 months and plan on performing a rescue mission if necessary" nodding to the avengers he sat down
Only three people knew his identity in that room, and they were all looking at Peter proud of what he was capable of( Natasha Fury and Bucky) the rest well they were looking at Fury like he had grown three heads.
Tony cleared his throat "um Fury listen buddy I don't know what's going on in that big head of yours but why the hell are we talking order from a kid"
Peters head shot up "Because I know how to handle these situations I've done many rescue missions in space and I'm sure I could do it by my self but fury wants me to get team experience or whatever" feeling like he was being a little rude he blushed behind his mask and looked at the table -dammit Parker get it together-
The Avengers were all looking at him a little confused then cap stood up
"You heard the kids let's go team"

Time skip to the ship

"Tasha you driving" peter questioned
"Hell yeah I am"
"Nice hope you guys are ready. Did you all read the case file" peter questioned smiling behind the mask
"Ughhh seriously kid we know what we're doing kid, take a chill pill" Sam mocked
"Прости, маленький паук, я постараюсь защитить этих дебилов от твоего пути" (I'm sorry, little spider, I will try to protect these morons from your path) Bucky side hitting Sam upside the head
"все хорошо я буду в порядке" (all is well I'll be fine) laughed peter

Spider-Man oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora