Chapter 6: Love Is in the Air

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(Ok,, so

ya girl is hella late. I was supposed to have this 5 days ago but like,, im very unorganized, please bear with me. Also, yes, ive changed my name teehee- ok, enjoy 😖

Deku was minding his business on the couch when Bakugou walked through the door, roses in hand and an innocent smirk on is face. He walked up to his significant other, lifting hair out of his way, and placed a small kiss on his forehead. 

"Kacchan?" The little one was surprised. "What's all of this for?" Deku had seemed to forgot that today was Valentine's Day, since he and Bakugou had been caught up in hero work, and they hadn't really had time to focus on events of the sort.

Bakugou shook his head and gazed at the greenette. "For someone as intense as you, I was sure you would've realized. It's Valentine's Day, dummy. I got you roses haha." He handed Deku the white roses with a little note tag that read Happy Valentine's Day, Love. The freckled male blushed from embarrassment, but also because of the amount of love Bakugou was expressing in that moment. 

Deku took the roses and gave his lover a smile and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Kacchan!" The shorter male got up and put the roses in a vase on the window sill, somewhere where the sunlight will shower them everyday, and where he will take care of them. "Say, Kacchan.. You were so sweet to get me something for Valentine's day, so I want to offer you something as well." Bakugou raised an eyebrow and walked around to sit on the couch. 

Deku sat back onto the couch and made eye contact with Bakugou. "I could.. Take you on a date, maybe?" Bakugou blushed at the offer but shook his head. 

"Today is when I baby you, so don't try to switch it up. You don't have to return the favor because I get your love everyday." Deku shook his head profusely and pouted. 

"No, Kacchan! Today is special. I'm not going to let it go to waste! Now throw on some clean clothes, because I'm gonna take you out, got it?" Bakugou could do nothing but agree, and he got up to go shower. 

"Alright," he replied, "But if you take too long to get ready, like you always do, I'm gonna leave your ass behind." The ash blonde blushed to himself, and went upstairs, Deku following after him. 

*So sorry that this is, like extremely late! Y'all know im lazy asf, so like, i hate to push myself lmao. sorry if there are any errors, I rushed this in class. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, please leave a vote and some feedback! Commentary is appreciated here. -InaliIsDekudess*

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