Chapter V: I War

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There's a saying "better the devil you know." At this point we had wished differently, Lord Barrett was confident he could handle the threat on his own without the aid of the supreme Lord, King Urbjorn. Realizing his mistake Lord Barrett quickly sends a messenger to the King for assistance to better prepare for Balgair's promise of destruction.

"I advised you to do that earlier Lord Barrett, if you had listened instead of going for selfish glory the Royal Arms would have aided us for the upcoming battle." Ferguson looks at Lord Barrett with a look of disappointment. "Leave us" says Lord Barrett, Finn and I went out as instructed.

A little bit after we left Lord Barrett's house, warriors filled the completed watchtowers and extra work for completing the wall and the other tower was set to strengthen our defenses.

Eight sunsets had passed the threat of the attack is yet to come, the town's people were evacuated in preparation for the upcoming battle. The town dwellers' escorts haven't returned, that worries both Lord Barrett and Ferguson, furthermore more the messenger sent by Lord Barrett hasn't returned as well. As this is a matter of urgence the messenger should have returned two sunsets before.

The walls are finally complete and still no word from the King, speculations of our messenger circulated. "Has the messenger abandoned his duty?" Is a question that clouds our minds with distrust on our own ability and fear of what it is to come. It seemed everything thickened the air, the mystery of our opposing side, Father's absence and the anxiety of the battle. Balgair's name was and is the cause of all the madness that rain upon us. As bravery is one definition of warrior, means we are less warrior than we thought, as fear weakened our knees and made many lose faith in victory. But the one thing that kept our warrior pride is the Heavens of warriors, Valhalla.

As I stood beside Frazier atop one of the towers we noticed a cloud of smoke from one of the neighbouring towns that sits on the shorelines. As we were about to sound the drums to alert the others, drums from the northern tower were thunderous. The mystery army had appeared, war had finally knocked on our doors. I climb down from the tower as I'm not an archer I'm expected to be on ground in battle.

When my feet touch ground, fear begs of me to run and hide, vengeance for mother pleads that I take the Balgair's head should he be here and doubt asks of me to forget everything and run. My heartbeat is as drums warning me of war. I gather some courage and swallow the bitter taste of fear and doubt and went forward to the battlefield with a goal for vengeance and seek for my missing sibling and hopefully my father should he still be with the living.

The strangers armies were still far out and we had the advantage of the archers on long range attacks. Well we thought we had that advantage until the sun flew right through the walls destroying them like they were made of twigs, more and more of these scorching hot boulders flew by ever so beautiful in the eyes of terror, annihilating all that stood it's path. We lost our northern defences our archers from the northern wall were either dead or critically injured, as for the wall it's... no more. We had lost before the battle could truly begin.

The strangers finally enter West Knight with a bull like weapon, we'd soon call this weapon the "The fire spitter" the strangers call it a "Catapult."

A sudden silence takes over to honor fear

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A sudden silence takes over to honor fear. The fire spit is in the air once more, as it flies to its target our army is divided as we run for cover . The fire spit crashes on one of the houses creating a blaze that signals the enemy forces to attack. They charge toward us roaring louder than any beast their feet stumbling on the ground creating earthquakes.

From behind me the fearless Lord Barrett charges forward with his followers clashing swords with the enemy. Their bravery soon moves my spirit but stuns my legs, my heart would soon be replaced with that of a chicken and my sword felt heavy. A warrior charges toward me fear would paralyze me, the warrior is finally a slash away from me and my body still rejects my commands, and suddenly "swish" the sound of a sword that took flight comes to my aid, killing my opponent in an instant. I take a look back to see my saviour, it's the Dishonored warrior standing proudly, "Gilmoreson, why look so straddled?... The son of Gilmore's supposed to be fearless" His words inspire me as much as they irritate me.

"Thank you Dishonored..." I show appreciation to him, "Dishonor was forced upon me, I am Agnor Vagnorson son of Vagnor the great, like my father and his forefathers I will battle for glory, victory for my supreme Lord King and to reclaim what had been stolen from me, my honor!" He raises his sword up high "For Honor!" he charges up in the front lines of battle.

I raise up my sword, "for vengeance!" I charged up to battle locked on my first prey, without doubt, remorse or sympathy I slashed my enemy from shoulder down to his waist, his blood gushed out masking my face.

My first kill turns rage to strength and transforms fear to dog waste. My surroundings are cleared, my world is plain white, the sky is repainted with the blood of those who would fall by my blade and he who did. The battlefield becomes more clear, paths are created each leading to the next kill. I took each path and slayed each man who stood by it, each kill feels like war is being transformed to sport.

I crave blood as a creature of great evil, none of the kills could satisfy me instead they just made me crave even more. I look around, we are at the edge of the cliff in this battle we are overwhelmed by the enemy forces, we're sure to lose but I cannot die without rescuing my sister or avenging mother's death, whoever commands this army whether it's Balgair or not, I'm determined to demonstrate the effectiveness of the despair they've led me to.

A golden helmet and red cape, that surely should be their commander his helmet and cape is different from the others. I tightly hold my sword, grinding my teeth and signed death upon his his life, the commander's falls next.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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