Chapter 18

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October was exceptionally cold this year. Yanli shivered a bit as she sat on her wheelchair near the window. The wind was gently playing with her  long straight black hair.

Tucking her hair behind her ears she sighed, her mind wandering in the past,the day before the accident disabling her. Her dad was planning to visit to Zhan's hometown in order to retrieve some things belonging to his mom that the police had released

"Dad, doesn't A-Zhan have the permission to visit his hometown even now?" Yanli had asked setting down a cup of coffee in front of her father

"hm, he is already 18 and his name and all his details  has been changed so I guess he is safe now. But actually I don't want to risk it you know,  boy has gone through too much in such a young age. I don't want to open his old wounds when they have just started to heal..."

Something warm wrapped lovingly around Yanli. Startled, she looked up and saw Zhan wrapping a shawl around her.

" Zhan Zhan  is really upset," he said avoiding her eyes.

The way she told these words brought an immediate smile on Yanli's face. 

"Why?" she asked trying to control her smile

"Shijie is up late again. Even though doctors asked her to get enough rest"

"Well if Zhan Zhan is so concerned about Shijie why did he leave without telling her?"

Zhan looked down.


"I am not blaming you A-Zhan" said Yanli quickly,"But what you must know is that Shijie feels worried about you too. At least wherever you are let me know that you are safe, understood?"

Zhan knelt down in front of her wheelchair holding his ears.

"Shijie, please forgive Zhan Zhan for making you worry so much"

"A-Zhan" said Yanli tracing the dark circles under his eyes with her thumb" I really don't know what you have been up to these days but it really pains me to see you like this. It is almost like you have the weight of the entire world on your shoulders. Tell me what has happened?

"It's nothing" said Zhan laughing nervously, "there's actually lots of things I have to catch up with  after coming back. After all so many days have passed..."

"I didn't see you going to the university even once in three days A-Zhan. And A-Cheng was saying you hardly touch your sketchbook these days" 

"That Jiang Cheng!"

" Was he lying?"

"No, but...Shijie doesn't need to worry either. It is just that...

He caught himself as a voice rang in his head.

"Listen to me boy. You should be grateful that Fengmian decided to provide shelter to you as you are the son of his former 'friend'. But also know this, you have a criminal record. I have raised both my children to be of good moral character and I would like it very much if you keep that spot to yourself. If you have any trace of gratitude in your body towards us for helping you, please make sure that your loathsome past does not come to haunt my children ever "

These words, spoken by Aunt Ziyuan on the first day he arrived had been always in the back of his mind. She was right. In no way kind Yanli and Jiang Cheng should be allowed to be a part of his own troubles. After all, they have nothing to do with all these.

"It's truly nothing." he said quickly "I am just a little busy with other things. And I am not involved in bad things I swear. "

"Shijie,I am going through a lot these days. I don't know what to say, even I don't know what am I exactly looking for. My only concern is that whatever happened in my past doesn't find you and Jiang Cheng and harm you two."

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