Chapter 8

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Yibo dragged Zhan into his room slammed him on the wall. He pinned Zhan between him and the wall and placed his left palm on it .

"What  the heck is your problem?"said Zhan.

"What did you say to Meng Yao?" asked Yibo

"Why does it concern you?"

"It concerns me because He knows I went to slave Auction, and it was you who told him."

"I didn't." said Zhan angrily. " Why do you always suspect that I always try to harm you when in reality I don't even know you properly? And if you are so worried about people finding out about your visit to the Auction, why did you visit it in the first place? If you hadn't done it we wouldn't have met again and you would have been saved the trouble of jumping on my throat everytime.

"Oh yeah!" Yibo blurted out "so that you could have become slave of that Wen Chao instead and get yourself killed that very night by getting kicked by those thugs!!!" 


There was a pause when Zhan suddenly looked at Yibo. Yibo too realized what he had just said.

"And why  exactly does that bother----"  

"Don't think too much about it."  Said Yibo "I saved you so that I can punish you. nothing more. It would've taken away all the fun to let you die so easily. And as of now fetch me something to wear slave. I wanna take a shower"

"I have a name you know" said Zhan as Yibo turned to go to the bathroom. "And I demand to be called by that."

Yibo didn't respond and as he went away Zhan sat down on the Yibo's bed fuming.

"For a moment I thought that the Spoilt Snow Queen really cares for others."




Yibo shut the bathroom door and stood with his back on it. 

"stupid bastard" he whispered "always messing up my head someway or the other, guess I've spent 50 m to buy myself a pack of trouble."




Zhan just finished putting out Yibo's clothes when a sound of opening the bathroom door behind him made him look back. 


He just got an 50x heart attack.

"GYAAAH!!!Wear something!!!" he shouted as he threw the clothes towards Yibo

"This is my room.Get out if you have problems"

Though he was somehow able to wear his pants,he hesitated with the shirt in his hand. The ligament in his right shoulder was torn and the pain was terrible if he tried slightest movement.

"did you finish?" asked Zhan


Zhan turned around. 

"I don't wanna wear it" said Yibo throwing the shirt back on bed.

"What the heck!You can't be running around the house half naked!"

"Oh and I suppose You are going to teach me etiquettes now? ."

He turned and walked towards the door.

" Wait."

It was a calm order. But the voice held such authority which even Yibo with all his badass attitude didn't dare to question. The next moment Yibo felt the fabric of the shirt on his back and a pair of hands gently putting his arms through the sleeves of the shirt. Suddenly Zhan pressed  lightly on Yibo's shoulder,and Yibo sharply took a breath.

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