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Stay alive, stay alive, for me.
You will die but now your life is free.
Take pride in what is sure to die

- Truce // twenty one pilots


Chris and Pj wouldn't leave his side at school the next day, and Dan was extremely glad it was a Friday because his head didn't feel any better no matter how many times he reassured people that it did. While Pj was in drama, Chris skipped his IT class to sit with Dan, who was hiding behind the curtains like usual.

"How're you feeling?" Chris asked, for the 504th time that day.

Dan sighed, leaning back on the palms of his hands. "Chris, I'm fine, honestly! I don't want to talk about me anymore, how are you doing?"

Chris blanched. "How am I..." He trailed off, the lilt in the 'I' making it sound like a question.

"How are you and Pj?" Dan supplied, shifting so that he was sat with his legs crossed, Chris did the same, their knee's touching comfortingly.

"We're fine, we..." Dan knew Chris didn't like talking about him and Pj, he thinks it has something to do with Dan being alone - but Dan doesn't care. "I told him I love him yesterday."

Dan paused, a large grin forming on his face. Chris' face began to mirror his. "Finally, what did he say?"

"He said he loved me too." Chris whispered, his grin now so wide that Dan was sure his face would tear in half.

"Good." Dan said, moving his knee a little to nudge Chris'. "Its about fucking time, you two were driving me mental. How long have you been married again?"

Chris laughed, shoving Dan's knee. "Piss off!"

Dan laughed, shoving Chris back until they were in a full on war over who could mess up the other's hair the most, and who could shove the other over first. Dan won - obviously. Once they'd both calmed down, Dan sitting on a stool with his feet propped up on the foot bar, Chris sitting on the floor next to Dan's stool, Chris said, "what about you and Phil?"

"Me and Phil?" Dan asked, startled.

"Oh c'mon, Dan. We aren't that dumb - well, maybe I am, Pj was the one who noticed it - but anyway, we know you like him. It's pretty obvious."

"It's really obvious?" Dan murmured.

"Well, to us it is - or to Pj it is, you know how unobservant I am." Chris explained, picking at his nails.

"Yeah, Chris, I know." Dan scoffed, remembering the time when he stole Chris' pen from his own hand - or was that Pj? He couldn't remember.

Chris eyed him speculatively. "Anyway, answer my question or I'll set Pj on you."

"I'm sure you'll just tell him anyway." Dan hedged.

Chris rolled his eyes, pulling a fizzy lace out of nowhere and pulling a bit off with his teeth, leaving sugar all around the corner if his lips and chin. "Well duh," he said around clumps of sticky sweet, "he is my bae."

"Your bae." Dan deadpanned, his eyebrow raised.

"Before. Anyone. Else. Answer my question." Chris pointed the half eaten fizzy lace at him accusingly.

"You're an enigma, Christopher." Dan sighed, deliberately ignoring Chris' glare.

"Well if you don't want to answer, I guess I'll ask Phil."

Dan bristled. "You could do that, but it depends if you like having your dick attached to your body?"

"Are you insinuating you'll rip my dick off?" Chris cringed. Dan said nothing. "Kinky."

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