Chapter 8

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Y/n p.o.v.

The next day

Me and Senkuu said goodbye to Byakuya after finishing everything and taking the rings. I was talking Senkuu's ears off and i know but then at the same time i need to tell him everything to get that feeling outta my chest.

"So what time do you wanna give the rings to them?"

"I just told you 5 minutes ago!"

"I forgot!"

"Alright, last time I'm telling you. We're going to give the rings to them separately and then get them to meet back at the camphor tree. Then we say congrats there. I might as well pour the gasoline from the bottle caps we have left on them just for fun. "

"We still have caps?!"

"Yeah, I thought you knew."

"No, but I do know that we still have a bit of gasoline left from the potion."

"Oh so you saved some for yourself."

"Well it IS part of my thing after all."

"How much did you take?"

"Hehehe, I'm 10 billion percent sure that you'll be surprised. I got a whole FLASK of those!!!"


"Fancy seeing you shout Senkuu dear." I bursted out laughing after saying that and his ears turned red.

"I'm not y, your dear for a start, second you stole my punchline, and third you stole stuff. Why wouldn't I scream?"

"I don't know, welp see you later!" I dashed into the school grounds while Senkuu was just walking like usual, since he knows that he can catch up to me sooner or later.

"Hey Y/n!" I spun around.

"YUZU!! Why are you so early?"

"I wanted to surprise you and Senkuu. By the way, you never texted me...who wassssssss it, tell meeeeeee~~~is it actually him?" she pointed at Senkuu who was walking in the middle of the road towards the school buildings.

"Yeah, but then love is illogical for him so I doubt it." I slumped my shoulders and walking inside the buildings. I hear
Yuzuriha's frantic footsteps as she tried to catch up to me. I took out my indoor shoes and was fixing them when someone slammed the door with my outdoor shoes. I jumped and look up to see gravity defying hair and red ruby eyes looking back down on me.

"Gotcha." he gave me one of his infamous smirks which made my heart swell.

"Yeah yeah you got me." I spun around and started walk but then he blocked me.

"Science club?"

"Hmm." I gave him a small reply just for him to not look at my beet red face.

"You're coming with me." He dragged my ass off while at the corner of my eye before we turned down the corridor, Yuzu was having the biggest grin and waggling her eyebrows before the wall separated our visions, making me even flustered.

Senkuu p.o.v.

"I wonder what's going on with Y/n and Yuzuriha. They're talking about something and Y/n suddenly went red like a tomato, which was cute but then at the same time it was quite bothering. What is this feeling? No, wait, i can't be jealous. Yuzuriha's a girl, and she already has that big oaf, no need to worry. But then at the same time will that big oaf steal y/n from me?? Damit, i AM jealous!!" I was dragging y/n by her arm while walking down the corridor to the club room.

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