lets talk about yummy yummy adhd

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i haven't even gone in depth about it!! so wOOO HERE WE GO

i constantly have to be moving. my foot is almost always tapping or im tapping my fingers or im humming etc

whenever i finish something, such as artwork, writing, or homework, i feel little to no sense of accomplishment. my brain just kinda goes "oh welp next thing here we go-"

as a result i tend to procrastinate or give up on difficult things for me such as math. i see barely any gratification in actually understanding, and the learning process is meticulous and has strict rules and it freeeeaks me out

i'll have random emotional outbursts or my emotions will just be hella high. i dont really get angry?? but if im happy im bouncy as f u c k and if im sad im crying for hours and if im depressed i cannot move at all—

i'll have a simple worksheet and cant bring myself to do it?? i'll just read over the first question over and over again

but then randomly i'll have outbursts of hyper focus shit and i'll finish an essay in 20 minutes when it wad due in a week—

i have trouble listening to people when they talk, especially when telling stories?? my mind will latch on to like a random word they said and it'll remind me of something random and i dont realize i was lost thinking about that until the story id over and i have to go, "what did you say—" it's not that i dont care, i care a lot, my attention span is just shitty

i have trouble doing simple chores or tasks that i find boring, ie brushing my teeth, doing my hair, etc

ill talk and talk and talk about nothing and suddenly realize ive been talking way too much and get super anxious and think im incredibly annoying- it makes me feel like a child ahiskdms

i have very bad spacial awareness and tend to blurt things out loudly i. an inappropriate setting
ie saying "fuck me" in the counseling office—
i dont mean to do this, i just forget where i am sometimes and basic manners are gone-

i dont know many coping skills for my adhd- i tend to just fidget or listen to music and hope i'll calm down-

if you have adhd and have coping skills for anything ive mentioned please let me know !! 💕💕

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