Chapter 11

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I woke up feeling slightly sore. I was also trapped in strong arms. From the scent I knew it was Cassius. I moved and he bolted up, "Baby girl, I'm so sorry for hurting you during the fight." "Its okay Cassius," I told him as I sat up. "No it's not," he told me. "But I knew beating you in the fight would be better than you winning and having to leave to go to the other packs." "But now you have to leave," I pointed out to him. He nodded, "I'm aware. But I want you and Maddox to stay home where it's safe." He cupped my cheek, "I'd be devastated if anything happened to you."

"When does your travels start," I asked him. "I have six weeks," he answered. "The king is giving us time to mate and get through your heat before sending me off." I nodded, "At least it's not an immediate thing." "No, but I didn't want to put pressure on you by putting a time line on when we have to mate," He told me. "I want to mate when you feel ready." I smiled softly, loving how caring he was. Maddox then came in, a towel around his waist, hair dripping wet. He smirked at me as he walked over to his suit case. I felt Cassius nudge me, and I felt my face heat up. He chuckled in my ear and I hid my face behind my hands. "It's okay if you want to look," Maddox told me. "I encourage it." "Of course you do," I told him. When I heard him go back into the bathroom I moved my hands from my face. I got up and began digging through my clothes. Today it was just select Alphas who had a meeting with the King so today I was going to be in the library, trying to catch up on my school work that had been emailed to me by my teachers.

When Maddox came out of the bathroom, fully dressed, I went in to change out of my pajamas. Once ready, I went to the library where I spent the next few hours playing catch up on my work. I was taking a break and going to the bathroom when I was caught off guard and slammed against the side of a book shelf. It was Alpha Braun. "You pathetic bitch. You insulted me in front of the king and every Alpha in the world."

I smirked, "Sounds like a personal problem." He growled and his claws went to slash at me, but before I could even dodge him, a black wolf tackled him to the ground. It was Cassius. "Are you hurt," Maddox asked me. "I'm fine," I told him. "We were coming to see if you wanted to eat something since we know you've been busy," Maddox told me. "Cassius, back off." Maddox told him. Cassius growled but did as he was told. He then sniffed me, wanting to confirm I was indeed alright. He then stood on his hind legs, putting his front paws on my shoulders, his tail wagging. He then licked my cheek.

Alpha Braun got off of the floor and Cassius went back to all fours, growling at him softly. Alpha Braun walked away, glaring at us. Cassius then left. "He's going to get some clothes," Maddox told me before I could asked. We picked up the things that were scattered on the floor from when his clothes ripped as he shifted.

We went into the room where he was putting on his shirt. "Now we can go get something to eat," he said once his shoes were on. He took his things from Maddox. In the dinning room it was only us. "How much work left do you have to do," Cassius asked her. "To much," I said with a sigh. "When are we able to go home?" "We leave in the morning," Maddox told me. "Perfect," she said happily. "And it starts our six week time line," Cassius said while running a hand through his hair. Maddox nodded, "And we have decided that we were going to court you separately. We can't mate until you accept us both though. Because Cassius beat me during the fight, he will be the first one you go on a date with."

I didn't like the idea of being passed back and forth. "You don't seem too thrilled," Cassius noted. "Its not that I'm not excited, because I am. But I don't feel like being passed back and forth," I told them. "You both keep thinking in a mindset of separate relationships with me, however, you keep forgetting about a major thing. You both don't just mate with me, but you also mate with each other since you guys aren't actually related." That made their forks fall from their hands, and their eyes snapped to look at each other.

Maddox ran a hand through his hair, "I totally forgot." Cassius nodded in agreement, "Yeah. That changes a lot." I nodded, "And the separate bedrooms aren't going to work either. I'm not taking turns in each room, and I'm definitely not sleeping in the living room." "If you accept us, we will be going through a renovation, that you will have the reins on," Cassius told me while Maddox nodded in agreement. "You can go as crazy as you'd like. The skies will be the limit."

That was something to look forward too. "And we are going to break tradition," Cassius told me. "You can continue going to class, because we want to watch you cross that graduation stage. You can even go after a doctorate if you'd like." "We will also be more hands on with our pups as well," Madddox told me. "We know tradition sets specific roles, but we want to break those roles, because we feel they won't fit with our relationship." As I listened to them, I could tell they have put a lot of thought into things.

After we ate, I went back to the library to get back to work.

I bolted up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Its just me baby," Cassius said. "It's late and we have an early morning flight." I nodded and yawned, "Where did the time go?" I cleaned everything up and he took my bag. He took me back to the room where Maddox laid in bed in his boxers, playing Candy Crush on his phone. I took a change of clothes into the bathroom for a quick shower. I finished dressing when I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was in some major need of work. The color had badly faded. With everything going on, I completely didn't notice it. Maybe soon I'll get the chance to think of something new to do.

I left the bathroom and saw Cassius was already asleep. Maddox gave me a soft smile before putting his phone on the charger. I crawled in bed, laying between them. Cassius moved in his sleep to wrap an arm around me. Maddox got comfortable and wrapped an arm around me as well. Exhaustion set in almost instantly and I fell asleep.

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