Chapter 5

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I woke up to feeling my hair brushed away from my face. "Good morning beautiful," Cassius said to me. I sat up and saw he was already dressed. "Come on, let's go get something to eat." I sat up and stretched and sighed when I felt my back pop. The couch was great for sitting on, no so great for sleeping on.

I grabbed my bag and went into their bathroom to change. I slipped on a pair of skinny jeans and a purple shirt that I just now realized showed some cleavage. I literally had just thrown clothes into my bag, not noticing what exactly I had grabbed. I finished making myself look presentable before stepping out of the bathroom. Cassius was talking on the phone to someone. He smiled brightly when he saw me. I smiled softly and put my bag down by the couch. He then took my hand and lead me out of the room. I could hear many people up and about in the pack house.

Maddox came out of the kitchen with a smile and a cup of coffee. "Good morning Tempest," he said to me. "Good morning Maddox," I said with a smile. Together they lead me to a massive dinning room that had many laughing and talking. The table for the most part was split up by age groups. They took me to the head of the table and I felt my cheeks heat up. They sat me in the center chair while they sat on either side of me.

Everyone was quiet, and staring at me. I didn't look away from them though. It would be a sign of weakness. "Everyone, this is our mate Tempest Ray," Maddox announced. "She'll be staying for a day or so, so we expect you all to give her a warm welcome," Cassius told them sternly. Everyone erupted into applause, congratulating their Alphas at finding their mate. After that everyone went back to their conversations while their parents introduced themselves. Their mothers were very sweet Orelia was gushing over how pretty my hair was while Lilith was telling me I was very beautiful. Their fathers were praising how patient I must be to be mated to their sons.

"So where do your parents live," Gabriel asked me. "They're staying in a house in Briston," I answered. "So we know what your father does, what does your mother do," Orelia asked me. "She is a professional glass blower. She owns a small store in Briston," I told her happily. "So how did you meet the boys," Lilith asked me. "I go to the universities and I am Ruby's roommate. They were coming to tell me where I could and couldn't go when I wanted to shift. Of course that wasn't what was talked about really, they mostly argued then left to get my father's blessing," I told them. Orelia threw them each a look, "You meet your mate and the first thing you do is argue with each other?" "He started it," Cassius accused. Maddox rolled his eyes, "I did not." I looked at him, "You kind of did." Maddox's jaw dropped, "Who's side are you on?" "Clearly not yours," Cassius teased. I looked at him, "You start your fair share of arguments so I don't want to hear it." This time it was Maddox's turn to laugh while Cassius looked at me slacked jaw.

Their parents then laughed at them while I ate with a small smile on my face. After breakfast I wanted to help with dishes but I was steered outside. "Where are we going," I asked them. "Well, you only have enough clothes for today. We plan on making you too tired to want to go back to your dorm so we need to get you more," Cassius told me. I raised an eyebrow at them, "I have school in the morning." "We will get you there on time like we do every morning, " Maddox promised me.

I nodded, "Okay." I got in the car and they took me back to my dorm. Ruby wasn't there, probably gone to her own classes. I went into my room and they followed me. I then began to wonder just how much I should bring. Goddess knows they'll try to get me to stay as long as possible.

Cassius's POV

I stood in her room looking at her various anime wall scroll posters. She had a wanted poster of some pirate, some guy wearing a black poncho thing with a sword, a woman holding a whip with keys hanging on her belt, and a witch in a blue and pink outfit. She also had Funko Pops from different animes. On a bookshelf she had a bunch of those weird picture books that you read backwards and a bunch of fantasy and romance books.

Hanging on the wall by her bed was white Christmas lights with photos hanging between each bulb. Maddox smirked when he pulled a very intense erotica book off of her shelf. He casually flipped through it, his smirk growing on a few of the pages. "How long do you guys plan on keeping me captive," She asked us teasingly. "Forever if you let us," I replied honestly. Her cheeks became a little pink, as she went to her closet.

I continued to look around while she packed. Her phone began to ring and she pulled it out of her pocket. "Hey dad," she said when she answered. She then sighed, "I'm very aware there are blood lusted in the area." She was then silent as she listened to Vic. "Well, I had a run in with a few of them last night," she said to him, eyes looking at the floor. "You guys dont have to do that," she told them. "Honest, I'm fine. Just a few scratches that have almost finished healing. The guys took care of me last night and I spent the night at their place." She listened to him some more. "I'm staying there again tonight as well." She listened to more of what he had to say before sighing and holding out the phone, "He wants to talk to both of you."

Maddox took the phone and put it on speaker, "Yes sir." "You boys need to keep an eye on her wounds. As well as anyone else in your pack who may have been injured," He warned us. "There is new strain of the blood lust virus that has their nails secrete a fungus of sorts. It wont kill a werewolf but it will make them beyond sick. They wont start becoming sick until the wound is healed. How you can tell they were infected is if the wound heals but the skin stays pink and feels rough like a scab is still there." Maddox and I shared a look as he spoke and even Tempest stopped what she was doing to listen. "The vampires infected with the new strain will smell like pine and motor oil."

"Can a sick wolf transfer it another," I asked him. "Thankfully no. You can only get sick from the source," He replied. "How long does it take for the sickness to settle in," Maddox asked him. "A week after the wound is healed. How long it takes for it to heal depends on how bad the wound is," he answered. "How can we prevent it," I asked him. "The King and Queen are having researchers look into it, but so far nothing has been found," he told us.

"Have you come across them," Tempest asked him. "Come across them, yes. Been infected, thankfully no," He assured her. "Is there anything else we should know," Maddox asked him. "That these blood lusted are being organized like some kind of army to try and weaken the wolves. The King and Queen have agents looking into it but so far they haven't found the one responsible. They're about to send out royal decrees that every pack let's three vampire hunters train their packs to ensure you're as prepared as possible when it comes to facing these things. I've sent a request to be assigned to Toxic Earth, but I dont know who the other two will be. Like me, they'll most likely be rogues so I don't know how they will act while being surrounded by your pack."

"Will mom be with you," Tenpest asked him. "Usually I would say no, but from the look she's giving me, I wont be able to leave her behind," he replied. "We will ensure everything is ready for your arrival," Maddox told him while I nodded. "We should be there in two days. It'll give Laural time to make sure everything with her store is set to be gone," He told us. "Bye dad, I love you," Tempest said. "I love you too sweetie. You boys keep her safe till I get there," he warned us before hanging up.

"Let us see your wounds," I told her. She sighed and showed them to us. So far no redness, but they still weren't completely healed. After she finished packing we took her back to the pack house. Maddox went to the office to talk with our Beta about the preparations that needed to be made while I took Tempest up to our room.

"So I take it your plans for the day have been canceled," Tempest asked me while leaning against the back of the couch, arms crossed, pushing her large breasts up. "No," I told her, trying to keep my eyes on her's. "Just postponed for a little while." I then pulled her into my arm, shocking her. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I should've had someone there with you," I told her. She wrapped her arms around me, "Its okay Cassius. None of us knew they were going to attack me. You were concerned about your pack and that's okay." I sighed, "Its not okay. You're my mate and I should've done something before it happened, not after." I kissed the top of her head, "And Maddox feels the same. He wont come out and verbally apologize, but you can tell by pushing himself to try and ensure it doesn't happen again. He's been looking through every warrior file, trying to find the best to assign to you when we can't be there for you. We both blame ourselves for it."

She kissed my cheek, "I forgive you." The kiss shocked me. I also wanted another. "Can I have more," I asked with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and smacked me, "That wouldn't be fair to Maddox." I then let her go when I felt my phone start to blow up with messages. An alpahs work is never done, I thought.

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