"We, um... we keep it hidden from sight with magic. It basically makes it invisible to the naked eye unless the Incubus or Succubus Prime allows it," Kyleroth answered her.

        "A whole community of these creatures, living practically on our doorstep?" Stella said to Paige, a little excitedly at this discovery.

        "And by the sound of it, they have their own hierarchy and special kind of magic," Paige said, also a little excitedly. Kyleroth just chuckled nervously as the two of them talked about what he had just told them. But then Kyleroth realized something that made his eyes widen.

        "Wait!" He said with a frightened tone, getting their attention again, "You aren't going to tell anyone, are you?"

        "Well, I wasn't going to, but..." Stella said, pausing to see what Paige would say.

        "I am not so sure. This is a massive discovery, one that could change the world. And if such a race exists it would be important for people to know how to defend themselves from what you were going to do to Stella," Paige said in a nearly emotionless tone. Kyleroth felt his blood turn cold out of fear for a split second before folding his hands and bowing his head in their direction.

        "Please, I'm begging you: don't do that!" He pleaded. Paige raised an eyebrow in confusion while Stella just looked at Kyleroth in mild surprise.

        "If you tell anyone about our home on Ripper's Reef, it will not matter. The Succubi and Incubi there will find out that our home has been compromised, and will relocate before anyone arrives. And on top of that, my family name will be disgraced," Kyleroth added, trying to appeal to the two of them.

       "Your family name?" Paige asked.

       "Yes. The Larnil family has lead the clan that currently inhabits Ripper's Reef for millennia. And the currently leader is my older brother," Kyleroth said, "I don't want him to be disgraced."

        "What would come with being disgraced?" Stella asked him. Kyleroth's expression grew more grim.

        "He would be removed from power as Incubus Prime, and my older sister would take over as successor. And no one, be them my kind or human, would want that..." Kyleroth began to feel a shiver roll down his spine at the mere thought of Jynsya being in charge. But this only made the two humans more curious.

        "What would be wrong with your sister being in charge?" Paige asked. Kyleroth did not respond verbally. He only looked at Paige with an expression that could only be described as terror incarnate. The kind of expression one gives a person when they know they or someone they know is going to die horribly, or that something absolutely terrible would happen.

        That look alone was all Paige needed, as it too made her shiver in fear. As if just looking at Kyleroth's expression had shown her just what would happen if his sister took over. And Stella could see this too. Far better than Paige even. And it made her feel so worried and so fearful that she actually almost threw up a little bit in her mouth. Thankfully, she was able to stop herself from doing so.

       "Well... okay then. So I guess this means we keep that part a secret?" Stella asked with a nervous smile trying to lighten the mood.

       "Yes. It does," Paige answered without a moment of hesitation, then looked to her friend, "But it still begs the question what we should do with him."

Kyleroth felt another wave of terror take over him.

        "Why don't we just let him go home?" Stella suggested.

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