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Y/N sat up from the corner.
No response.
No response.
"Ray this isn't the time to pull a stupid prank!"
Still unresponsive.
"Ray! Ray answer me!"
She shook him to wake up.
She held him in her arms and felt alone. Heartbroken. He said he would never ever leave her side. Even if she played his version. He told her it didn't matter if she fell for any of them, he would still love her and never leave her. He broke the promise.

"I see you've found him sooner than I did?"
A familiar voice came from a distance. That malicious voice. The voice of the so-called Savior. The voice of Rika.
"Y/N, you and I are so alike."
"Alike?! I am not a psychopath! I am not a manipulator! I am not a tormentor!" Y/N yelled with all her might.
"Ray spilled everything to me! How you forced him to take an elixir, how you brainwashed him. You're terrible!" She cried out.

The woman laughed. It was dripping with cruelty.
"I... I was in love once."
"I'm not here to hear your shitty stories."
"I was blinded by it. Thinking that this man was my only true love. But then I started hurting him, and with him, myself too. It hurt. It hurt to see him pained. But he still cared for me. Do you know why?"
"Because he thought he could fix me. He thought we were true lovers. He thought this was a fairytale with a happy ending, but oh boy, was he wrong."
Silence melted over the two.
"I realized something. I am a monster."
"Damn right you are..."
"I am a monster of my own creation. So let's put this creation to an end, shall we? I prayed that it would be just us two in the end, and it seems my prayers were answered."
"No...No! I'm not staying here!"
"Where will you go out in the cold with your precious Ray? This time it's only up to you to think it through."
Y/N started running out of the building. She took one glance back, only looking back because she couldn't believe her life really turned out like this. Rika seemed to have said something to her, but she couldn't hear what it was since it was so windy and snowy outside. She looked at Rika setting her self ablaze. Y/N then ran out into the distance, not intending to come back whatsoever.

Rika's POV

I said one last thing, directed towards Y/N. My special Y/N.
"You and I are so alike, let's hope we see each other again, alright?"
And with that, I let the lightshow begin.

ㅡ𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐄. // ray/saeran choi → 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙 ←Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora