For a second I did, but the abrupt pounding on my bedroom door told me different. It was impossible to vanish to slip away from this life without consequences. Consequences from fate.

I sat back up in the tub and stared at the wall in front of me, in a complete daze until the pounding sound increased rapidly. Knowing Blake or the pact members they were persistent when it came to doors. I would know. So I snapped out of my small trance and began undressing only because I needed to bandage my thigh.

After I finish bandaging my thigh I walked out into my room in search for some clothing. I decided on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white tank top. I had to do something about the bed sheets because unfortunately it was white and I had a great deal of blood on it. I was about to take the sheets off when a small gentle knock vibrated through my ears. I opened the door half way only to be surprised. A girl. No older than sixteen stood there by the entrance waiting to be welcomed in with a tray full of food in her hand. "Hello I'm Marietta," She greeted politely.

My eyes examined her, like a question on a test. She had long sandy, dirty blonde hair that cascaded down her shoulders and big brown eyes, which highlighted her features. She surprising looked similar to someone I knew, but I couldn't put my finger on it. She shifted uncontrollably and I averted my eyes.

I must've given her the wrong impression because as soon as she said that she flinched. My face soften and I mentally rolled my eyes. She was too innocent. "I'm sorry I'm Nora," I replied and to give her a better impression I opened the door wide enough for her to come in. She smiled a genuine smile while I struggled to. I probably looked constipated but she appeared to open up to me a little.

"So are you like the servant or something?" I questioned. My comment came out a little too nonchalant and I cleared my throat before restating the question. "I mean you look too young to be a servant but," I paused before picking back up again. "You never know," I finished. She just rested the tray on the table before laughing. It was a sweet laughter.


"No I'm not. I'm just here to help out the new pack members and..." She trailed off. I watched as her eyes landed on my sheets and she gasped. "Did you have a accident?" She questioned. I tensed up. "Oh that psst, that's nothing really," I said using my hand to imply that it was no big deal. She stared at me before walking over to the bed and my eyes landed on the knife on the dresser. I raced over to the dresser pulling the knife off and tucking it hastily in my pants. She turned back around catching me off guard, my hand was dugged in my pants. "Did you mess up your pants too?" She questioned.

My lips turned up into what I felt was a smile but she appeared to stare at me like I was crazy. Yeah I looked constipated for sure. "Why are you doing that? You looked pained. Do you need some pills?" She questioned. Pills? Wait. "Its okay to have accidents Alianora, all women do at some point in life," She said proudly. "Wait what?" I questioned, then it hit me. My cycle? "Your period silly," I stared gapping at her. Then I decided to play along. "Right that. Well thanks for breakfast I'll get this sorted out," I said pulling the sheets away from her.

"Nora. Let me help you," She said sternly. This was so uncomfortable and I didn't want her help. "No really I got this," she smacked my hand away and removed the sheet instantly. I grumbled to myself. "Do you need a pad? Or do you use tampons?" She questioned. "Look Marie it's really nice that you have a caring nature but I don't want to have this talk with you. I haven't used tampons or pads since I converted. I just want you to go, I can deal with this by myself," I said, the anger was evident in my voice. She appeared un phased. "Right. Okay well let me know if your in any pain, oh and its Marietta," She said happily.

I stared at her. What the hell was she talking about? As if she read my mind she answered. "You called me Marie, it's Marietta." She said. I gaved her a questioning look before replying "I know. I shortened your name," She stood in a thinking position before she came into realization. "I never had a nickname," She said. I just nodded and she took that as the permission to leave.

Bound to you(ON HOLD...forever) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz