Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Oh!" Esme gasped, suddenly clapping her hands over her mouth as she realised. Instantly, the two girls turned to see if they had caught Professor Vector's attention, but luckily she was occupied scolding some Gryffindor students. "Why does everyone think you and Dirk are going out? You're clearly not. Is this some bizarre rumour you've started? Because Dirk might spontaneously self combust from anxiety if he hears that."

"It's nothing-well... It's kind of to do with that. Dirk knows... It was his idea really." She badly attempted an explanation.
Esme scoffed, "It was his idea? Dirk asked you out?"
"Not like that." She hissed.

"Sure, whatever you say." Esme quipped snarkily, with a smirk.

Piper lost complete track of what she had been trying to admit as she replied, "You haven't been around to know what's actually going on with us. You're practically tied to Regulus' hip! And you still haven't told me what happened to you when you were so upset the other week."

"Watch it." Esme warned, turning back to her work as she tried not to roll her eyes at the older girl.

Piper slumped down in her seat and let out a sigh. She didn't want to cross any lines with Esme - the girl was notoriously private. However, Piper had worked herself up so much to get the courage to try and talk to Esme and it was infuriating that Esme wouldn't take her seriously. Piper couldn't exactly blame her, she didn't know how serious the matter was. Yet Piper was urgent to come out to Esme; Dirk was very uncomfortable keeping secrets and it had been stressing him out more than usual.


Esme inhaled sharply, cursing under her breath as both she and Piper turned in their seats to be face to face with Professor Vector yet again.

"Yes, professor?" Piper grinned sweetly, tilting her head to the side and flipping some of her golden hair over her shoulder.

"If you aren't studying, you need to leave. You're disrupting other students."
Esme looked around, noting that there were no students sat nearby.

"Sorry, professor. It won't happen again." Piper nodded reassuringly.
Professor Vector turned up her nose, "Miss Horix, you haven't opened your book since you arrived. I think it's best if you both leave."

Esme's jaw dropped open, "You're joking?"
"I assure you, Miss Avery, I most certainly am not joking."
She scoffed, "Why should I have to leave?"

"I said so." The professor stated bluntly.

"Come on, let's just go." Piper tugged on Esme's arm as she begrudgingly packed up her books into her bag and swung it over her shoulder. Esme turned to Piper, "There's quite possibly nobody I hate more than her." She whispered.

"Thank you, ladies." Professor Vector sneered as the two girls walked past her, making their way out of the Great Hall.

Piper laughed slightly, "Merlin, you do love to exaggerate."
"It's not exaggeration." Esme argued, "That woman is the worst person I have ever met. I think being so pedantic should be a crime."

"What about Regulus?"

Esme coughed, pretending to clear her throat as they came to a stop in the empty corridor and she faced Piper. "What do you mean?" She asked.
"It's just... Regulus is quite pedantic. Yet, you seem to like him plenty enough." Piper giggled, knowing this world push Esme's buttons.

"Yes, well, Regulus is an idiot." Esme replied shortly, tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Whatever you say." Piper grinned, "When are you two getting together, anyway?"
"None of your business."

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