We Were Victims Of The Night

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Sprinkle pulled out his flashlight he had stored in his backpack and turned it on. The light was incredibly bright and it lit up the grassy trail that led to the pitch black forest.

As they were about to enter the forest, a squeaky, high pitched voice asked,"What you are doing?"

Goth's eyes widened with panic and he whipped around,"Shino! Uh we're just taking a walk. Um yea."

Shino's cheeky grin stayed on her face as she stepped forwards,"Momma said he doesn't like you outside this late. And Desire's poppa doesn't like him stealing his cigarettes. And Sprinkle isn't supposed to be near the forest. And Palette-"

Shino hesitated, unable to think of an excuse to snitch on Palette because Killer was so chill and hardly parented Palette at all. Shino sighed and continued,"I'm going to go teeeeell."

Goth shook his head furiously,"Shino, please don't! You'll exaggerate everything and mom always listens to you no matter what!"

"Not my problem. What if I call him right now?"

Palette poked Goth's back and whispered, "Run." Goth stared at Shino before all four of them sprinted into the forest, leaving Shino behind.


She screamed. Shino has this unique ability to scream so loud that the ground would shake and all nearby glass would shatter.

"Run faster! My mom will be here any second now!" Goth shouted, worried,"She just had to come and spoil everything. Like always." He muttered.

Palette caught up to him,"She's your little sister, it's her universal calling to snitch on you." "And everyone else." "Not me." "Shut up, Pally."

Desire and Sprinkle, who were up ahead, slowed to a stop once they were sure they couldn't hear Shino's shrieks.

Sprinkle flicked his flashlight back on and shined it around, accidentally hitting Desire with the blinding beam of light.

"Oops, sorry De." Sprinkle apologized as Desire stumbled backwards into a tree, startled by the light.

As his back hit the tree, Palette could've sworn he saw a piece of paper fall from the tree and land on the floor.

Desire blinked rapidly,"I can kinda see now. Where are you, Sprinkle?" Sprinkle touched his arm lightly,"I'm right here."

Palette took the flashlight from Sprinkle and aimed it at the floor. And he was right, a paper had indeed fallen on the leaf-covered floor.

"What's it say?" Goth asked, peering over his shoulder. Palette shrugged and read aloud,"Plan A is going smoothly, when we end the tyrants of darkness, we can go back to how it was before the War of Eclipse. Check on the explosives again please."

"We need to show Nightmare this." Sprinkle said, breaking an uncomfortable silence.

The other three nodded,"Agreed." Desire said,"Should we go back? Geno will find us sooner or later."

"You four aren't going anywhere."

Hooded figures surrounded them, all coming out from behind bushes, out of trees, and a few were even hidden behind rocks.

"Who are you?" Palette demanded, pulling out his paint roller.

"The Twilight Resistance. I believe you have information that mustn't get out."

Goth pulled out his scythe as some of the hooded figures stepped closer. Sprinkle took out two of his best knives he had saved especially for an ambush(he had different knives for different occasions, like ones for cutting cakes and another for the Friday night mass murders). Desire took his lucky hatchet and swung it around.

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