The few that linger are called rogues, a group whose sole purpose is to destroy the council and return to the way they believe things should be. The rogues, while ambitious, remain outnumbered. There aren't any known sympathizers who live according to council laws, and while the rogues do whatever they please to the detriment of all that has been established, they stay to themselves mostly waiting for the day they can mold the world how they see fit.

The man drains the attacker of his blood and drops his lifeless body to the ground, it thuds lightly as the street light above them illuminates his face. The attacker's once peach-toned ivory skin was now pale almost gray, and his eyes were devoid of any signs of life.  Two holes could be seen on his neck, with dried blood around them. The man takes a deep breath and licks the remaining blood from his lips.
He picks up his previously discarded clothing and puts them back on, as he brushes off his jacket, his phone begins to ring.  He pulls his phone from his pocket and checks the caller ID. The name Grey appears on the screen, he ignores his call and slips his phone back into his pocket.

A nicely dressed man appears behind him almost instantaneously; "I don't think I need to tell you how rude that was" the nicely dressed man says turning to look at the corpse adjacent to them.

"You're a real whiny guy you know that?"

"I've been told several times, but still don't see it, dare I ask about the dearly departed"

"Departed, yes, dearly, no, and late-night snack"

"Drake, all departed are dear to someone"

"You know Grey, somehow I highly doubt that," Drake says as he begins to walk down the alleyway. Grey had been a friend of Drake's Family for many years. He and Drake eventually formed a brotherly bond. Grey, being centuries older than Drake, had more than enough experience to teach Drake to navigate his various talents as a vampire.

"You're always such a pessimist" Grey chimes pursuing him

"Oh, I'm the pessimist? What does that make you?"

"A semi-optimistic handsome guy who sees the good in worst times"

"Careful now, your ego is showing," Drake says as the two of them exit the alleyway into the busy nightlife of Los Angeles, the bustling downtown streets were the perfect place to hunt and stay concealed. Drake pulls out his cell phone and dials a number as they walk up the sidewalk.
"Hey, what's the address around here Grey?" Drake asks as the phone rings
"Umm, south of Olvera, right off Glendale"; almost immediately after an operator answers Drake's call.

"Yeah I need a pickup, alleyway, south of Olvera, about two klicks from Glendale, thanks," Drake says hanging up the phone and sliding it into his pocket.
The council has made ways for vampires to hunt and feed whilst remaining completely hidden. Vampires who follow the council's laws only feed on those who have sinister intentions, murderers, sex offenders, career criminals, etc.

It was brought about as a way of feeding and helping the people thrive by taking those who are detrimental to their society.  In doing this, they have also set up ways to remove the bodies once they are done feeding, by calling the number to council headquarters.

Grey throws his arm over Drake's shoulders and walks side by side with him.
"You ready for the best night of your life?" He asks him grinning softly

"Eh, it probably won't be that great"

"On the contrary dear friend, I have lined up a night of endless booze, raging parties, and guaranteed sex," Grey says to him cheerfully

Drake smiled; "okay one, not in the mood to drink, two, parties aren't my thing, and three I'm not in the mood for sex, any more ideas?"

"Oh no, you're not flaking, come on! One drink on me, one awesome party, and the sex part is on you what do you say?" Grey says taking his arm off Drake's shoulder 

Drake laughed heartily, Grey grimaces at his amusement.
"And you're laughing because?" Grey asks curiously

"Ha ha, okay I'm sorry, but that was the exact speech you gave when we went to Vegas, you remember?" Drake says stifling a laugh

Grey's grimace is suddenly replaced with a deadpan stare. Vegas is one of the many stories he and Drake share, and just so happens to be the one he hates the most.
"I don't want to go out anymore"

"Oh no, what's wrong Grey? Why the sudden change of heart? Come on! Drinks on me"

"Damn right you're paying, bringing up Vegas, you are an asshole you know that?"

"Yeah, I know," Drake says chuckling.

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