"Mommy, Uncle Steve is cool and he's almost 105 too." Rebecca said. "Daddy would have been 106 on March 10th." She smiled.

"This is what happens when you have sex with the Winter Soldier. You get highly intelligent children." Marsha whispered into her daughter's ear.

"Mom!" Violetta shouted when her cheeks grew a rosy color on them.

"It's the truth." Marsha sighed.

Violetta sat up from the kitchen chair. She walked over to the kitchen sink. The kids were finishing their breakfast. One by one, they put their plates in the sink to be washed. Rebecca slid her boots on and grabbed the egg basket from the bench the deck door. Nigel and Grant grabbed their jackets then got their boots. The three children went to do their chores outside. Marsha and Violetta watched from the kitchen window. Marsha decided to do her goat milking habit outside. Violetta was left alone in the kitchen. She had to wash the dishes and go milk the cow. Then she had to round up the kids to get ready for school. It was still a school day.

While she was washing the dishes, Violetta saw a car drive up the driveway. It stopped by the porch. A man steps out of the vehicle. He had blonde hair and grateful blue eyes. Violetta washed her children run to him. It was Steve Rogers. Violetta stepped out of the house with a towel drying her hands. Marsha came down grumbling a few Russian words.

"Uncle Steve!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"Can I have a hug?" She asked him. Rebecca reached out towards Steve with her arms.

"Of course, Rebecca!" Steve answered. He picked Rebecca up off her feet. Steve hugged then kissed her little red cheek.

"Uncle Steve! I can count to ten now." Grant told his uncle. "One... Two.... Three..." He began to count to ten.

"I see, Grant." Steve said when he put Rebecca down on her feet.

Nigel smiled. "I have been working something for you. I hope Uncle Tony and I can test it out soon." He told Steve about his new invention.

"I love to see it, Nigel." Steve replied. He looked over at Violetta.

"Nigel, you need to get ready for the bus." Violetta said while she walked over to Steve in the yard.

"Okay, mom." Nigel replied. He ran to the porch. Then he went inside the house to get ready for the school day.

Steve crossed his arms together to his chest. "Busy kid." He said.

"Straight A student. Nigel gets honor roll every marking period. Tony and you are great influences on him." Violetta replied. She watched Rebecca and Grant flee over to Marsha. Marsha and the kids went inside.

"I'm guessing he's going to be the scientist of the family." Steve smiled.

"Oh yeah." Violetta answered.

"Rebecca and Grant are the warriors due to the Super Soldier serum." Steve mentioned. They were Bucky's biological children.

"Maybe Grant not so much Rebecca. She is fierce. Rebecca wants to become a supermodel." Violetta hinted. "Have you talked to Natasha lately?" She asked Steve.

"No, I am later. I have a meeting in the city in the morning with those who were affected by the snap." Steve answered. He began walking to the house.

"I know she has been searching for Clint for years. She has been getting leads, but Barton is gone by the time she goes to the location. He has been leaving bodies behind too." Violetta confirmed to Steve. She felt terrible for her honorary sister.

"Clint lost his family in the snap. I think it's to kept his mind busy and not thinking about them." Steve added. He walked inside the house.

"I'm doing the same thing. It's been five years since --" Violetta paused when she came into the house. Rebecca had reminded her about Bucky's birthday this morning.

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